
Has your view on immigration ever considered loyalty to our country as a determining factor?

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There are reasons to be against immigration as well as in support of it. I am almost ashamed to admit this but it wasn't until recently that I onsidered loyalty as a major concern. A very good friend of mine is an immigrant. I asked him if we went to war against his homeland, who would he pick up arms for? He didn't answer me. That really concerns me. I know all immigrants wouldn't respond or rather not respond like my friend did. BUT what if they did? It has been said over and over again....everyone here is an immigrant. True. However the immigrants today are immigrants. The vast majority of immigrants who founded this country were also loyalists. My family arrived in 1636 and helped settle The New Netherlands (now New York State) Colony. Loyalty and patriotism seem very important to my family. Many people who travel enjoy going to historical sites. My family enjoys it more than most people I've met. Could this I wonder be due partly because we have been here for over 350 years? How much loyalty can we expect from an immigrant who hasn't been here very long? I don't think it would be fair to expect it. BUT I would be concerned. Thoughts?




  1. Loyalty should be at the very top of the list of requirements.

    I am in favor of letting in zero immigrants who have not served in our military - and while at it requiring all those "anchor babies" to be sent back to their TRUE countries until such time they pay homage to OUR country.  I don't think any other country even accepts any rights to citizenship just because a criminal squatted over a border and dropped a kid out....that is ridiculous!

    Why should our young men and women take the bullets - and not have free education and medical care at home....and yet these illegal invaders receive it ???

  2. I think that is a sick question. Americans are so ignorant and, sad to say, often times very racist against foreignors. We all live in ONE world, on ONE planet. You're so full of it, get enough of yourself already.

  3. My family meet your as they got off the boat,

    can't you tourist get enough and go home.

  4. I have no other country except this one to be loyal to, but *I* wouldn't pick up arms voluntarily for the "war" we're in now. It's wrong to wage war to assassinate one man -- ok, *3* men Saddam Hussein AND his sons. George W. Bush is not the United States and I have no loyalty to him.

  5. My loyalty is to God and God only. He specifically states in the Bible that those who live by the sword, die by the sword (Jeremiah 42:22). He further goes on to say that judgement and vengence is His and His alone (Duet. 32:35).

    Therefore, I do not support ANY war from ANY country - whether it be from mine (the United States... God bless) or another.

    Edit: I think it funny, too, that so many people think immigrants should have to fight in a war. However, I know plenty of Americans such as myself that would not ever pick up arms b/c they are against violence.

  6. Yes. Immigrants in the past made an attempt to learn the language and assimilate with the citizens in this country. This is important and legal immigrants should be loyal to this country otherwise they should not move  here.

  7. You assume a lot when you say "our country" but don't identify which country you mean.  There are people from all over the world on this forum.

    Yes, I've considered it.  My people have been here as long as yours have.  I am willing to share what we have with others.

    Have you not read history and learned how many immigrants fought in both world wars?

  8. Very well thought out argument.  My thought is that if your friend,or any other immigrant of late would not fight for or be on the side of this country then they need to go back, simply put.  I am not saying that a person needs to be supportive of all the decisions this country makes but when our way of life and freedom are threatened if you can't support this country then you don't belong here.  

  9. ILLEGALS have only loyalty for freebies  

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