
Hat do you think about smokin??

by Guest57153  |  earlier

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what I you think of teen smoking?

do you smoke? Or have you ever smoked?

and people who haven't would you ever want to?




  1. nope. never did never will. my uncle smokes. wish he doesn't.

  2. All people who smoke are stupid. Just think of the incredible effort nearly every smoker goes through trying to give up - it's much better never to start.

    Teens who smoke are really stupid. It makes your breath and clothes smell awful; it stains your teeth and hands; it coarsens your skin; it's incredibly expensive - all apart from the health risks that everyone should accept by now.

  3. Smoked since 14, and it's the stupidest thing I've ever done in my life.

  4. i smoked when i was 16 because i thought i was in with the crowd and thought i was smart how dumb was i thankfully i never got addicted to them . havent smoked for years now

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