
Hat hair problem! please help!?

by Guest31888  |  earlier

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I am biking to school this year and when i take off helmets or hats i get terrible hat hair. i dont know if it is because of my thick hair or not. can you tell me a way to stop helmet hair? please help!




  1. Get you hair cut into a managable hairstyle the you could play with and mess up but still look stylish and cool.  Maybe even put some sculpting wax or pomade in it to help style it throughout the day just by running your fingers through it to get the style you want.  You won't even need a mirror to do your hair if you get the right haircut.  Hope this helped.  

  2. Well there is nothing really to stop it from happening (maybe there is that i dont know of) but i think you should where a hat in school go to the bathroom comb your hair and then put a small amount of water if you have thin to thick hair and easily managed or you can try going in the bathroom combing your hair and adding small amount of molding wax Small Amount for those stubborn hairs

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