
Hate life. what do i do ???

by  |  earlier

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im always home, i ahte going to school

i hate my so called "freinds" n im always crying i cant take it anymore.. my mother knows n does nothing about it!

i dont know wat to do. saturday nights im home :(

i actually dont go out anymorre cos theres no1 to go out wiht. i HATE my freinds.




  1. wow, ive been feeling like this lately. Its because ive been sat in on my own and not really been speaking to anyone. You also get chance to think about things, that you don't nomrally think about and mostly these things are not nice and they really plague you for days.Keep yourself busy and maybe find some new friends, that don't make you depressed. is there noone you can speak to about this? Get your feelings out and you'll feel better, i know i did. Just ditch the nates, get some hobbies, keep busy and smile..XD

  2. many people suggest visiting a counselor, and i can't disagree with that. you could also write in a diary. instead of writing your questions on Yahoo Answers, write them in your diary/journal/notebook, and everyday, go back to the questions and see how many you can answer. the more, the better.

    DON'T GO SHOPPING. it won't last forever. in fact, it will only deprive you of your remaining money, which you should be saving for the future, when that heavy load will really get on your shoulders (metaphorically speaking, of course).

    also, if you hate your friends, and you are willing to tell the world on Yahoo Answers, then why can't you tell your friends? just please talk with them, and don't be so harsh on them. say something like, "you're cool and all, but i don't think we have a lot in common anymore." after all, if they don't know about how much you hate your life, they're not your friends. and if they do know about your depressed days, they're obviously doing nothing about it, and they're not your friends in that case, too.

    and if you won't listen to anything else, listen to this: PLEASE don't commit suicide. i know that i'm not your best friend or anything, but it would break the hearts of someone even 3000 miles away from where you live if they find out that humans are killing themselves.

  3. My best advice to go see a counselor. Maybe a school counselor. Hope life starts to get better for you.

    :) :) :)

  4. i think you need some true friends who understand you and help you see the shiny part of the world, and you should help them to do that: talk to them, there must be who can help you find happiness: i have a friend who used to be like you, even worse: she was despaired!, but i helped her to change and together, we made it, she is a happier person now, she goes out, have fun...

    i wish i could help you, but i dont know you: i dont even live in Britain, and i probably im much older than you! (im 18)

    but im sure you can find who can be really truly a friend, you just need to give people around you the chance to help you out..

    Good luck with that

  5. you know what some days i feel like that, cos i'll be at home doing nothing most of the time n its just the worse thing!!!! why dont try finding things to do at home like helpin your mom etc. or out shopping that usully cheers me up!!! you could always go with close relatives rather then your (hated mates)    hope ive helped abit!


  6. heres exactly what u need 2 do get a fly rod n reel set from scheels trout is best n get online and check 2 see where u can go fishing withn ur state that will give u alot to think about and alot to do

                    r u a guy or a girl????

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