
Hate my family, I think?

by  |  earlier

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I honestly think I do.

I feel as though because I've had an eating disorder they're always suspicious of what I'm doing or something.

Either that or I just generally don't get on with them since that happened.

Especially my Dad and sometimes my Mum and my brother.

Any tips?

I'm like 2 stone over my weight that I minimally need to be and my Dad comes waltzing up to me one day and starts asking me what I've ate that day.

I think he just likes to be a scumbag and half the time I can't do anything right.

Maybe I should just not stop eating and make myself really fat so I can start crying about it and sit about the house all day and be unhappy with myself? Would that help?

What a ****ing ***hole

Please help.




  1. Oh my gosh youre parents arent trying to hurt you! They love you and dont want you to starve yourself. you should be happy that they're concered about youre health and mental state.

    i think a lot of people feel this way about thier parents at a point or another. im 14 and my friends get like this and i tell them to appreciate it because they could have parents that hate them and dont give a s*** about them.

    Yeah, i do get really angry and pissed at my mom cuz she gets on my nerves and we fight a lot. but i'd expect the same thing from her as it is with you if i had an eating disorder.

  2. You appear to need serious professional help. Ask your parents to pay for therapy.

  3. You are in trouble and do not really see it. You give lip service to the fact you have an eating disorder but then act as though no one should bother you about it.

    You folks are fighting something that they cannot control and are really doing the best they know how. What they have to deal with is a moody kid who thinks he knows it all and is invincible. You don't and your not.

    Give your folks a break and work at getting your health in line before it is too late. You need to be listening to the professional help everyone is providing you with and not sitting there being a total jerk.

    Of course you can get even fatter, go for it as it won't hurt me or anyone here one bit. You will disappoint your family but they will eventually get over it but you will become terminally fat and most likely will never get over that.  

    So much for your wanting help, all you want is a pity party and it appears you have one going full swing so get back to the eating and pitying yourself. You don't need us, you have your trencher full of fat to swill down.

  4. awful you have parents who care!!   Trust me, everyone hates their parents now and sense going off the deep end about it. Sounds like you need counseling.

  5. Wow how awful it must be to have parents who care about you. Sounds like they are just making sure you are healthy and all you can do is find fault in that. You defiantly need help with your self esteem and trust issues. Stop saying you hate your family. One day they wont be there and you will regret ever saying that.

  6. Your parents were probably really scared when you had the eating disorder. They really love you. (Sorry, you probably hear that way too much.) People die from their eating disorders. My dad tells me that when I do something big like that I have to earn back his trust by being very "good" for a while. After like a month of not being rude or showing signs of bad behavior, he gets off my back and I'm free to do whatever.

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