
Hate my family??? Ten points.?

by Guest57039  |  earlier

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I am 14 and hate my family. I wish i could go live somewhere else. We are constantly fighting. My brother is 13 and we never get along. He is just like me dad. and thats something i hate! hes lazy and calls me names and trys to be annoying. We are always fighting about something. My mom wont let me see my grandma bc she just hates her for no reason. Thats the only thing thats keeping me from running away. Because if i dont talk to my dad again im not going to have contact with my gma. My dad has never liked me. Hes lazy and doesnt do anything. he just sits in front of the tv all day after work. he calls me ugly and fat. He makes fun of my mom al the time. Im he only one who cleans the house and my dad expects me to clean up after everyone. Me and my mom are fighting a lot lately. I just dont know what to do right now. What can i do to get away from all the fighting and stress?? remember im only 14.

thanks =]]




  1. I hate to hear the situation you are in. I know if sounds cliche but just pray about it and continue being the best person you can be in your family. Also, maybe try joining clubs or sports in school so you will have things to do outside of home.

  2. your young, it happens

    you only have 4 more years to go

    and trust me it goes by fast

    you dont hate your parents

    trust me

    compared to others you have it good

    so stop complaining

  3. You need to get into activities or a church that has a junior high program. Hobbies, such as Martial Arts, swimming, Do you have a local ymca in your area. How about after school programs. Church is another good resource for youth. The churches if you have a junior high program will take you on trips and social gatherings. This helps to relief the stress at home. I am in my mid thirties, and i had a hard childhood, Belonging to the Ymca and church gatherings helped me to take time off from my family. Good luck

  4. my friend told me that she try to accept her family and try to bond with them.

  5. ur going throw the excat same thing as i am i dont know what to do either  

  6. I am so sorry your going through this. I disagree with the person who said stop complaining, there are terrible outcomes for some children. Yes some people are in worse situations, but this situation should still be a priority. You need to contact child services. Your father should not treat you as he does, nor the rest of the family. Your a child not the head of house, you need to be cared for, not vice versa. You should be living a carefree life, not a stressful one. I would seriously speak to some higher authority at school/police station or as stated children services. I do hope things change for you, for the best....good luck and remember you'll always be wanted and needed by someone out there!

  7. Oh, honey, I'm so sorry.  I had a lousy home life growing up, too.  I found that being away from home with my friends was helpful.  You might want to consider contacting Big Brothers Big Sisters and see if you can find a mentor that can help you process all this and get you some space away from your family for a respite.

  8. You need to call Child Protective Services now.

  9. im pretty sure alot of people at the age of around 14 go through this i went through exactly what you are going...

    it sucks.. but you just have to put up with it... thatsthe best thing to do... eventually when you get a little older things will get a whole lot better..

    its just life.. it make you better and stronger.. :D

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