
Hate seafood, but have to go for a work meal at seafood resturant?

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I hate sea food but I have to attend a work meal at a seafood resturant. Think I will throw up if the place smells fishy at all let alone eat there. What do i do?? will there be alternatives on the menu??




  1. im sure there will be, hopefully!

  2. Seafood restauraunts usually dont smell bad. There will usually be alternates on the menu if not just get a salad.

  3. i feel your pain - i can't stand seafood, either!

    in situations such as the work event you're describing, i usually handle the situation with a little white lie...i just say i'm allergic and ask for another selection if it's available.  nobody has ever questioned me, and most places are happy to accommodate the request if it's reasonable.

    you might have to make do with salad, bread, and a baked potato or other veggies, but at least that will tide you over until you can get to a "real" meal.  OR try to eat a snack before you go.

    sorry you have to sit there in the fishy-smelling environment in the meantime :(

  4. well you know they will usually  have salad and soup so just eat a lot before so you won't be really hungry good luck! have fun!

  5. Stuff your nose full of cotton and order the steak and a salad.

    Or you could tell your boss that you are Allergic to Shellfish.

  6. Well if it comes down to it, you could always just order a salad. Most seafood restaurants usually have alternatives on the menu. Just play it cool. =D

  7. Well, don't lie to them and say ur alergic! I would agree, eat before u go, just tell them u already ate and ur not hungry! That is the truth.

  8. it has a good chance there will be something else on the menu. but to be on the safe side. eat before you go and jus have a drink or sumet

  9. maybe you can ask whoever your meeting if you can go somewhere else and say your elergic to sea food

  10. eat before you go and then say i already ate then you dont have to eat simple simple!

  11. Most seafood places sell chicken steaks and other stuff like that some unusual things like Burgers.

  12. chicken and steak for sure

  13. Thats a shame, have you tried all the common seafoods and not liked anything, have they been prepared properly?

    Maybe if you are willing try monkfish, halibut, or tuna they are the more meaty fishes and prepared properly they are fab. So if all else fails maybe try one of these?

  14. there are always alternatives at seafood places.  if its a nice seafood place, you may even be able to get a steak.

    chew some strong gum- like orbitz or something when you walk in.  that way, your senses will be too concerned with that than the seafood smell.  and once youre in there, youll be relatively accustomed to it.  and hopefully will get some bread quickly.

  15. usually a seafood place will have chicken on the menu.

  16. i expect that there will be an alternative, because there is in most places!

  17. crab

  18. Awe man that sucks!!!!  i was in similar situation (Chinese restaurant), i was so nauseous the entire time.  Usually at a seafood restaurant they have steak and chicken on the menu, you'll be ok, just stay strong and don't take deep breathes!!

  19. As a chef and operator of seafood restaurants, I can assure you that "fish" smells are pretty limited to the coolers in the BOH(kitchen). Also, you may be happy to hear, that it is my experience that some of the BEST STEAKS! I have ever eaten were at Seafood Houses. I think it's due to the fact that Fish is alot more temper mental on the grill than Beef. I don't think you have anything to worry about. Just go with an open mind, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised...

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