
Hate the DMV, what should I do?

by  |  earlier

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Okay I live in GA. In Georgia we have to make appointments for our on the road exams to get our driver's license. I made mine for the last week of my summer before school, about two weeks ago. The night before my exam, they called me saying the instructor couldnt do it the next day so they move my appointment to today August 16. I was pissed because I wouldnt be able to drive to school, but I go over it.

Then today I go in a 10:15, for my 11:00 AM appointment. My dad and i fill out the clip board then we go up to the desk because we were called. The African Amercian guy, my age, in front of me is talking with the DMV lady (also african american) about he doesnt have his Cetificate of Attendence (in GA you need one from school to get your license). She lets him through anyway to take the on the road test. Then my father and I go up to the desk. We start turning in our paper work and forms. She asks for a booklet which we gave to her with the all the other forms. She's said it was the wrong booklet. Some booklet they never even told us about to bring which isnt even on the website for GDDS was needed. So we're like its not our faults. And she's like to bad and hands us one. It takes like an hour to fill out so we would of missed our appointment, then she then asks for our insurance card. Which is definitly valid and not expired, and she says its not valid because its expired. And she's a huge ***** the whole time about this, snapping at my dad and I. So I couldnt even take my test today. Thanks to her.

I'm also mad that the guy ahead of me doesnt have the right paper work either but he still gets to take his road test. I'm not racist to African Americans, but thats not fair. If I was black I could of gotten by. (Okay now slam me about slavery and equality and all that, but in this day an age thats not fair at all) Plus its illegal, and the government workers are doing it.

What should I do? Forget about it, or report and to who do I report?

Oh and now I have to wait like another month for my next appointment, thats why I'm very pissed.





    then set up a appointment.real simple.

  2. not worth the trouble of slamming you,,

  3. Grow up and learn to live with it, things just work out that way sometimes. The world doesn't stop because you can not drive to school the first  day.

  4. Dude, you are racist!  I am as white as they come and it is obvious to me that you think you were slighted by an African American, and she let a fellow African American slide.  I don't believe any of it.  Most DMV workers are slow, inept, non-caring *******, but at least they are equal opportunity incompetent losers!   I hate to be harsh but part of getting your driver's license is being mature enough to operate a vehicle.  Letting such little things get to you is not a good sign of maturity.  Playing the race card is just down right racist, sorry, but that is the way it sounds!  

  5. And the reason that you didn't ask to speak to a supervisor is...??  Whenever the trolls at the DMV fail to do their jobs properly you should POLITELY ask to speak to a supervisor.  Then CALMLY explain YOUR problem to the supervisor.  You'll usually walk out with what you came for.  But if you didn't ask to speak to a supervisor then you lose by default.

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