
Hating my life right about now!

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Well I have a 5 year old sister and a 9 year old brother and guess why my summers in the garbage because of them two i thought my summer was going to be REALLY fun but obviously not. =[



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Diary: Aug.4th

I feel like i get NO respect from my younger brother and sister.

They are spoiled brats! They have a baby sitter but my father feels that he has to wake up early to take them over there and not be late for work so he rather take them at 12 (his lunch break) but they are still sleeping by 12! so they stay here making a mess!

They act like everyones suppose to do everything for them cook clean ect. And when i speak to my parents about it they act like im over doing it and complaining. I cant have my parents come home when theres a mess because all they say is you sat here the whole day and did nothing but i actually do clean but once i clean one room its messy again! I feel like my parents dont care because they arent taking care of them and when i say something my mother gets stressed making it seem like shes going to do something about it and then doesnt! its like i finally thought my summer was going to be fun but its not i have to take care of these brats and when i ask for like twenty dollars its like a billion! i cant fcuse on a nything if it has nothing to do witht hose brats and my older sister is what i call a s***w up she goes to summer school comes home and sleeps not helping me with anything just comes home leave get high comes back home around 10 and goes to sleep again and its like my parents think shes doing something mayjor with her life! i cant wait till i leave to puerto rico im leaving with my friends but next year i plan on going to georgia and probally live over there even though im going to miss the new york life i just cant take it form these kids im there sister not there mom!



i dont know what to do and how to explain to my mother without her complaining i cry everyy day because they always scream and fight i feel depressed all the time. =[ please help some how.




  1. buy some candy or sugar free gum and reward them when they pick up after themselves. they will start to more often then. and put them in a timeout if they do something especially bad, like scream to the top of their lungs, or throw things around. if you don't take action and discipline them the right way, they will continue to act up.  and dont be to mean to them, they are just carefree kids.

  2. AWW i know how you feel i have 5 little cousins that come over my house and make a mess out of everything!! but i still love them...amazingly o--o you cant keep whining to your parents! they dealt with them and you! raising you guys they go through the same thing! and they still love you! they dont call you a brat or whatever i know you rather not spend your summer cleaning and stuff and rather have fun but hey thats life? just talk to your siblings tell them how you feel they love you they'll understand and dont worry they'll grow up and you guys will be the bestest friends :D really just talk to them and when you clean tell them to come help you! teach them to be a little bit more organized and clean i doubt it they want their sister to be depressed and having a horrible summer because of them

  3. I think it`s time for your brother and little sister to have some chores.  You said they are 5 and 9? Yeah, they need to  start taking some responsibility. You need to talk to your parents about that. Find a way to get along with your younger siblings.  Sorry to here about your summer and your older sister.

  4. WOW. oh my this is exactly what happened to me. Eventually I just found out that its teenage drama btw are you a teenager? but yeah they do treat you differently but it wont happen forever its just that the younger children are their highest priority and they want to raise them as good as they did with you when you were growing up but if you are getting sick of it sit them down no matter what and tell them how you feel and tell them that you cry all night and that your relationship is falling apart but make sure that you make them listen. If you need any more help just email me but really try to get them to listen you will find a solution somehow.

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