
Haunt experience?

by Guest32683  |  earlier

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I've never seen a ghost, but felt one. Who here became convinced of a spirit unexpectedly?




  1. about ten years ago i was quite anxious about a date i had as i was doing my hair i felt a touch on my back only soft , but enough to look round. My date went really well, and i believe that a loved one that had passed was just letting me know its going to be fine.

  2. I feel my late husband around me alot. And my children swear they see their daddy and he talks to them.

  3. Hey!!How ya doin? Yes, most definitely!! I can usually tell if I am truly "alone" in a room or if I have "company". the strongest feelings I have seem to come from my friends and family members who have passed on. Everytime I go to my Mothers house, the closet door in the front room opens and I can feel the spirit of my Dad. (the closet is where he kept his hats and coats) My mom claims the closet, which closes tightly, only squeaks open when I am there. What was your experiences like????   Peggylyn

  4. i have felt spirits.. i was walking down the stairs in this old house that my mom used to clean and we both knew it was haunted.. we saw things move and heard sounds and things.. well i was walking down the stairs and the ghost.. a woman who was the first owner of the house was walking down with me and my mom knew she was there too because she waited at the bottom of the stairs to make sure i didnt get too scared and fall off of them... we figured it was the woman who first owned the house because there was a picture of the original family and when we both first looked at it the only person we saw was her.. like she popped off the page.. then looking closer there was a husband abd daughter  there but she was who we saw first and had the feeling that it was her.. i had felt her a few other times being there as well.. she apparently according to my mom was fond of me and liked to follow me around.. it was very odd

  5. I did when I realized I saw one at a was the craziest thing ever...i may sound crazy but it freaked me out and i did some digging and found out that psychics run in my family...

  6. Incident back in college, Spring 1980, East Texas State University, Commerce Texas....

    My friends and I for a while went visiting different graveyards.  I took along a tape recorder, and had our fun.  During one incident, we stopped at a graveyard that we nicknamed "Manuel's Graveyard" after one of our friends.  There was a main section of the gravesites that had been maintained and appeared as normal.  But there was one single gravemarker at the top of the hill, overlooking the other graves.  I placed my recorder next to this solitary tombstone. My recorder 'caught' some noises like the ticking of a clock and chains being rattled.  When any of us would walk by this grave, we hand to announce we were passing by.

    After a little while, our friend John came across a broken shaft of a tombstone.  He asked me what to do with it, and I said to just toss it away.  He did, and it struck the marker of the guy who was on top of the hill.  I made a snide remark to John "now look what you've done!  you've made him mad" and we all laughed.

    A day or so later, John wanted to meet up with us, and had been wandering around the countryside.  He came across Manuel's Graveyard.  When he pulled up (it was night), he said the following took place: ( A month after he told us, I quizzed him strongly about it, and he still swore it took place, and even a month later, he suddenly went pale and stuttered)

    He said that when he pulled up to the front of the graveyard, that his car suddenly stopped dead and the lights shut off.  As he sat there, wondering what was going on, he said that the horn began blowing and the headlights were turning on & off.  Then, he felt a very cold chill move across his shoulders.  While he is beginning to panic, he SWORE that all four doors of the car locked down (not an electrical car), the windows went up, the car started up, and the car.............

    I'm NOT making this up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The car started up, the steering wheel operated by itself, turned itself around, and literally drove John out of the area.

    Now, while he was going thru this life changing experience, the "gang" one by one began to show up at our usual spot - a pizza place in town.  We all showed up, unplanned and began to visit and chit-chat.  As we were sitting there, I looked over at a chair at a table about 4-5 feet away.  I "knew" that the chair would move itself.  It did.  It elevated itself about 3-4 inches, then moved horizontally away from our table.  I began to get a bit histerical and asked if other members of our group saw that.   Apparently I was alone.  I said "it's going to happen again" and it did, but just a nudge that time.

    Then I looked up and said that John was coming, and in he ran.  He was pale, crying, and on the point of hysteria.  We had to wait for a while for him to settle down.  He could barely get out his story.  We all concluded (laughing at him), that it was evil spirits that zoomed him out of there.

    I spoke to my pastor about it later.  He concluded that it was GOOD spirits that got John out of there, because something awful was going to happen to him if he stayed.

    Who was John?  Just a nice, quiet lanky kid of 19.  Never a trouble maker, never making for jokes, just a hard working kid going to college and holding down a job.

    So, these things can happen.....

    072508  8:40
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