
Haunted Buildings...?

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Has anyone ever lived and or worked in a place that was haunted. I have lived in a few, what are your experiences? Is it possible to communicate with these ghosts/spirits?




  1. I find it funny how some people claim there are not haunted houses just because they haven't seen one.

    Yes I lived in one and would move the second I felt that I was experiencing another.

    It is very real. It is rare, but very real. Not easy to sleep when things are floating around and moving every night.

    I tried extremely hard to make sense of it, but could find no evidence that it was anything other than paranormal.

    Moved and ha vent seen anything like it since.

  2. i once worked in a school that was haunted and my parents house has its own ghost. i have heard it is possible to contact ghosts but i sure would not want to try it as you never know if it is a nice ghost or a very evil entity

  3. I lived in a haunted house.  Doors opening and closing by them self.  Foot step sounds walking on the wood floors.  Heavy breathing in your ear.   I would say "knock it off" and it would stop. So I guess that was  communication. Most of the time it was just fun to watch others freak out at this.

  4. I'm an electronic engineer by training and I never really believed in ghosts. And even today I still have difficulty believing in them.

    Yet this really happened to me and I do not have any rational explanation for it. It's been 5 years now and no matter how I think about it, there is nothing I can think of to account for it.

    I lived in northern Manitoba years ago in the small city of Thompson and I moved into a small 2 bedroom apartment. Nothing happened at first.

    Then I had a kind of vision where I was drawn up and floating above the floor and I saw this whirlpool drain into my body.

    Then I started having waking visions. During shaving I looked at my reflection in the mirror one morning and I saw someone else's face - a tan skinned young man.

    I felt people walking by me as time progressed, and I smelled and "sensed" certain people.

    Eventually I started seeing things differently as if I was seeing out of someone else's eyes, someone else's experience.

    Dark clouds hung just below ceiling level in the rooms, as if thunder storms were bursting.

    The worst was 3 weeks later, I was curled up in the fetal position on the floor, a vision of a big man with a gun shooting me.

    I left everything behind, asking the spirit (I assumed there was one at this point) to let me be in peace. At that point the rooms in the apartment started to shine and radiate sunlight, the storm clouds dissipated and I felt a great relief and peace.

    I gave all of my possessions away to the neighbours who were very poor, some were sleeping on floors and using tin cans as cooking pots. I put a few things I needed in my old 1984 car and left town, I headed back to where I came from.

    3 months later I was talking on the phone to someone I knew up there and that was when I learned that there had been a murder committed in that apartment I lived in, it was due to a drug deal gone bad. The victim was a young Cree man, about 25 years old.

    By giving my possessions away I was enacting a potlatch ceremony, permitting the young man's spirit to go in peace because the neighbours were able to know that their young friend and relative was able to find peace at last.

  5. I have lived in several haunted houses and my family worked in a haunted building. My husband, sister and brother along with my niece and nephew all saw and heard the same things and only spoke of it after we were no longer associated with the place. When we die, contrary to popular belief, we don't go straight to heaven. We have to wait for judgment.Our sole doesn't lie around in the ground waiting either.Of course the spirits are still here with us.The ones we see and hear are lost and can't find their way to the spirit world.Often we can help them.

  6. When I was a child I believed in childish things.  Now that I am adult I must move past my childish beliefs.

    There is no such thing as haunted buildings, only haunted people.

  7. I have had experiences, yes there are ghosts or spirits which ever you prefer. I always wanted to see a ghost , and just in the past three years I decided to go and see what I could find out. So my first trip was to the Myrtles in louisiana, many have different ideas about this place. It is a place like no other, the first time I was there I felt breath on my neck and smelt cigar smoke which is said to be a occurance there. Since then I have stayed several times, and had different things happen. But I will say , not everyone has been lucky there. My sister has been a few times and with me when nothing happened. My niece goes with me everytime, we love the place you can feel the past still lingering there. There are many different storys you can read about the place. I do not know all the facts, because face it I was not there when history was made. BUT there is something there. Many like it and many do not. But thats only one place. I have been on ghost hunts where things happened that can not be explained. I was with a ghost group a while that moved (is a member of the taps family). So right now I am currently still a member without a group. I will not go on and on about things that have happened but they do.. That is the truth.

  8. I have lived in a number of haunted houses, and had a number of experiences.  I've been able to see the dead since I was 5 years old, so all of these experiences are normal to me.

    In one house, I fell backwards down a flight of stairs (missed my footing), and was stopped by two unseen hands on my back as I fell back.  My mother was at the top of the stairs and saw it happen as well.

    In the house I am presently in, I had a problem with the ghost of a teenaged boy who was very angry.  He would show up day or night, and bang on the walls in my hallway.  One night, I had to finally tell him to either tell me what was wrong, and what he wanted or to leave, because I needed to sleep.  He left and never returned.

    I have had many experiences, which prompted me to get invovled with Cape and Islands Paranormal Research Society here on Cape Cod in Massachusetts.  Check us out.

  9. yes I have lived in a home that had activity. And I have been in other peoples homes and businesses that were haunted as well. I dont like the feeling of being powerless to control whats going on around me.
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