
Haunted Dolls on Ebay?

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Are those dolls on ebay really haunted? And has anyone ever owned a haunted doll?




  1. i just looked into it and it seems very intresting

  2. Any doll could be haunted.If the owner ,made it haunted it's haunted! (ushually ventrillaquist dummies)

  3. omg they really sell that stuff but i doubt it that they are really haunted

  4. Most of the dolls on ebay are scams and they are not really  haunted but you CAN find haunted dolls on ebay. Here's how you can get a real haunted doll on ebay:

    It is my recommendation that you do not waste your time and money on these sellers who have hundreds of haunted dolls. I have been burned again people, and by someone who sells hundreds of "haunted" dolls whose feedback looks pretty darn convincing. I'm not gonna name any names but you can check my feedback if you like. Anyway like most of the dolls I have bought, they are a waste of space. It is my belief, not a fact, that these sellers who have so many great feedback probably are involved in something called "shill bidding". Which is getting friends and family to bid on your items or you bidding on your own item through a seperate ebay account to make the value look more than what they are. If you research their feedback intensely, you'll notice it's the same individuals who make claims of all these great wonderous activities. You have to ask yourself, "if this person is so satisfied with there so called active doll, why purchase so many more". I don't know about you, but once I find that doll that is super haunted, I don't think I'll need anymore. I still search for dolls because I just don't get activity around here as much as I 'd like. Yes, I am going to do a thorough investigation of these people before I decided to report them to ebay. I just think it's horrible to have someone spend hundreds of dollars on an item and it's a fraud. If you search the web and check out the real haunted dolls that are in museams, they are all antique dolls, not these brand new looking dolls that these sellers have. And just use your common sence people. A haunted doll is a rare and unusual occurence. How could one person happen to get so many dolls that have spirits attached? Don't be fooled by the feedback like I was. I would buy a doll only from someone who hasn't sold haunted dolls before or if it's an antique. And just to let you know there are other items on ebay that have spirits attached that are not dolls. Like a rosary or a bible. Just look for the "I got this item and now strange things are happening and I just want it gone" statement. Those are the geuine ones.

  5. I've seen those haunted dolls on ebay and I decided to buy one to see if it was haunted. I thought it was BS but the doll was cheap so I bought it anyway. About a week after I recived the doll in the mail I started hearing strange noises in the house and the doll had changed positions. I was freaked out and I got rid of the doll right away.
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