
Haunted Dolls?

by Guest45068  |  earlier

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I bought a doll at a garage sale. After I brought it home me and my son noticed some weird things going on. Her eyes started moving and not just up and down they move all over. When her eyes start moving a lot my lights start dimming and just lately they started blowing up and I have glass all over. She is also raising and lowering the volume on my TV. She also made the outlet that she was sitting by start sparking. I believe this doll is haunted. I never had any weird stuff like this happen to me before I brought this doll into my house. I am very scared of this doll but I am afraid to throw it away. I have been locking the doll in a trunk and the other day it was sitting in my living room. I asked my husband and son if they took it out of the trunk and they said no so I don't know how it got out of the trunk. So my question is: Is this doll evil and can it harm me or is this just what all paranormal dolls do?




  1. Take it back to the garage sale its more than likely from out of space, but put it in their mail box. But do not ask for a refund. I believe the doll is acting up because she misses her family. In the doll world we believe the spirits stay with the dolls, especially if they are very old.

  2. Well what i know if you throw away the doll its still going haunt you so you need to look  up stuff how to get rid of it so like burn it or hire a preist. you never know? need to know how to destory it?

  3. Throw some holy water on it and see what happens. I personally would just throw the doll away but if you don't want to do that then you can take the doll back to where you bought it from. Good luck!

  4. take the doll and tell it. I DONT WANT YOU HARMING MY HOUSE!

    and then throw it out(or give it to a friend) hehehe
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