
Haunted hill in england?

by  |  earlier

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i've heard a story of a man a longg long time ago somehow pulling a car up a hill in england. When the man got to the top of the hill, the man pulling the car chopped the man in the driver's seats head off. legend has it that if you put a car at the bottom of that very hill, the car will mysteriously go up the hill by itself. Is there any truth to that story?




  1. Folklore has little relevance now other than nostalgia.

    We will believe what we want to believe and there is no harm in tales handed down.

    Truth is, in this particular example there is no natural magnetic force powerful enough to make this possible let alone paranormal phenomena.

    So. sorry, it is hearsay at the best spread by too many ales at the Inn.

    English - not fooled by anyone

  2. YES !!!  I AM THE PULLEE!!

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