
Haunted locations?

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do you know of any




  1. Albuquerque Job Corps Center, 1500 Indian School Rd, Albuquerque, NM


    This place was haunted in 1981 and it is still very active to this day. Due a search for "Albuquerque Job Corps Center,haunt" or AJCC,haunt   or ghost    or nun.  After a local kid recently attended this place and came back with some familiar stories, I decided to tell my story and look for current or recent alumni and compare THEN versus NOW happenings. Here is url of my personal and true story. Actual story begins where it says " To understand this story.."



  2. I know of a lot of places, it would be easier to know where you are located (country ) and what your interest are.

  3. They say that St. Augustine , Fl. is pretty haunted. I live probably 50 miles or so from there and I KNOW this town is least a few of the houses I lived in.Although , sometimes I think a lot of it was from the church I went to.  They do have haunted tours here at Halloween I'm not the only one who thinks so.  Also, I've heard Savannah , Ga. is very haunted. I think they have daily haunted tours.

  4. Hundreds that are reported to be haunted.

    I suggest you start at the links below.


  5. Edinburgh old town is well haunted Mary kings close, its a street part of a hidden underground city anderneath edinburgh where loads of poor people lived in slums and died of the plague, also at the time there were creepy murderers that got the bodies and  cut them up.  A room in mary kings close has now been closed off from tourists because so many terrible things were happening, supposedly its where witches practised!!

  6. Anzac House Where i went to school is extremely haunted...our teachers didnt work there past 5:00 and many of the girls swear they saw Ghost aswell as the teachers...

  7. Yes there are quite a few here on the isle of man I didn't even know about until Most Haunted came over with some of the Corrie cast lol there is the Gaiety Theatre, Milltown House in Ramsey and then some wheel thing lol yeah quite a few. and my old school was haunted, it is the only private school on the island and was a big castle, originally an all-boy's boarding school. a boy was killed in a fire when he couldn't get out of the sanatorium, and because he had been signed off the register for the day, no one knew he was there so he haunts the San. there was the underground where the boys used to have boxing competitions and someone broke his neck. also a guy in rugby on the pavilion. AND the girl's boarding house is haunted. loved that school. 6th form at this new one sucks. but I am liking it now :D

  8. yeah, here's one.... watch the trees in the background.

  9. my house!!

  10. I know of many, mostly around Europe, that hold my greatest interest...Im building a page of some really haunted places...if you go into my profile, then into 360 page, then click on my home page link, it will take you to my paranormal page, one im just working on is Poveglia island...most haunted place in the world......

  11. yea my school is, cant tell you what my school is called (because the principal does not allow the name to be posted or anything)

    anyway my school used to be an all girls boarding school like 80 years ago? (the school is 150 years old.)

    anyway this girl ,she had family and school issues, so she went to the top of the 4 story building and jumped at night, a nun tried to grab her but fell and died.

    so the whole 4th level has been caged.

    anyway at night you can hear noises and its really creepy when you walk by yourself.
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