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Well, my house is always giving me a creepy feeling, like I'm being watched. And things sometimes fall off where they are when nobody is near. And sometimes in the corner my and my family's eye, we see shadows walking by. I did some reshearch and I found that a little girl was found dead in a well on the property, and her mother commited suicide shortly after... in where my bed room is today, in the closet. My family doesn't belong to any chruch and we aren't very religouis, but we do believe in God. I had a necklace with a cross on it and I found it broken where I had hid it from my little causin, nobody touched it.

My friend said that it might just because we are renavating our home... or because I used a weegee (<sp?: WEE-gee) board...

Any ideas how to make the spirits leave?




  1. Quija boards are probably the reason.  I am a Christian, and I feel that paranormal activity is usually caused by demons, which, can disguise themselves as anything (family members, friends, anything believable)!  By using the Quija board, you opened the doors, allowing evil to enter your house.  If I were you, I&#039;d destroy the Quija board asap (burn it).  My mother, when she was a child, experienced the same thing... If things persist, contact a pastor.

  2. Non existent

  3. Its a Quija or Ouija.

    And yes by doing both of those you just woke up 2 resting spirits or more.

    Your going to have to convince your parents to do a cleansing by burning sage in your house.Theres a small chance of it working but you should still try.

    Go on google and look up &quot;cleansing spirits&quot;

    Best of Luck:]

  4. You could call a local ghost hunting group.  I recommend one associated with TAPS.  They are the ones that have the show on Sci-fi.    http://www.the-atlantic-paranormal-socie...   these people should help for free.

    Also, You can look at their website for someone near you.  Also, people on the website can help give you good ideas to get rid of them.  look at  some of these posts on the website.  Post your story and nice folks will give you suggestions.

    Ouija boards are dangerous.  They can open the door to demonic things, but Not all activity is demonic.  Call and get help from a professional. They can help determine the source of the problem.  It could be because of the renovations.   http://www.the-atlantic-paranormal-socie...        If they think it is demonic, They can help find somebody in the Religious Community that is experienced to help.  Experience is important.

    In the meantime, place Bibles in every room of your home.  Prayer and fasting are ways the Bible says can help.

    Don&#039;t burn it yet, it could be the open door, the only way to send them back.  PLEASE get professional help.

  5. Cheerleader, Is closer to the truth than all the other answers to your qestion... Now I am a paranprmal researcher and investigator... And most of the homes that I helped cleared were even more difficult to clear when a Ouija Board was used on that premiss... And after we clear that home and they started using the Ouija Board again it was even harder to clear that home the  second time around......... And it took almost a week the second time around... Also with most paranormal research team we have  at least one team member that is a Pastor......... And it was a fight that went on from dusk to dawn for4 days............ And then as we were finishing up we found out that the oldest daughter was possessed...... And it took another 2 1/2 days to exorices their daughter........ And for those who think their Ouija Board is not working are the ones that have some of the greatest problem with demons.....................................

  6. You could get a group from a Church to come and pray in the home, a blessing or if need be an exorcisim.  

    God is the only way to go here. There was a lot of tragedy on your property and weegee boards can open doors to the other side.   The website I am putting on here is of a religious demonoligist &amp; ghost hunter David Considine. Email them, they are on A Hauting every now and then.

    Take Care and God Bless
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