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I was wondering if ghosts are fully aware of their surroundings coming into contact with real life people everyday? Could they sense they are already ‘passed on’? Why some of the ghosts haven’t crossed over on the other side?




  1. Personally i dont believe in ghosts.  Residual energy, possibly.  Magnetic fields that mess w/ the mind, definately.  But not really ghosts.  I look at it kind of like when you rub a magnet on a spot for a few minutes, then take it away, the spot remains charged for a short amount of time.  Take the energy from a person, have it in the same place for years and years, and i believe it may be possible to have the same reaction.  People that claim to be psychic or whatever are just better at picking that up, or have been living in an area w/ a high charge.  No ghost involved.

  2. The truth is we do not truly know the correct answer. We all have theories and ideas as that is our right. We have to keep studying the paranormal to give correct and accurate answers. In any case here is the opinion I most agree with and I am researching.

    Most say that a person who has not passed over has some sort of unfinished business, whether it be watching over family, places, or things. Others say that a human spirit just doesn't know that they are dead.

    An intelligent haunting is usually associated with these factors. The spirits interact with their surrounding making themselves known.

    A residual haunting has no personal interaction, they replay the same schedule of events over and over. It could be everyday or even once a year. This is said to be just energy and not the spirit actually.

  3. i think they have unfinished business

  4. Well, first you would have to prove that ghosts exist...

    If they did, no.

  5. Its kind of useless to contemplate such things until proof can be produced that ghosts exist.

    Honestly, the idea that a human would hang around in some intangible form after they are dead makes no sense to me. Whats more, its a very cultural concept, and not a common belief throughout the world, which is a good indicator that its just a pop-craze, which it is.

    To answer your questions, ghosts dont have any mass, or physical form, therefore they could not sense something which had mass or physical form such as other people, smells. They have no physical vocal cords with which to vibrate the air and produce speech, nor could thier spirit ears pick up physical vibrations in the air.

    So no, if ghosts are real, and they are people who have passed away, then they could not possibly sense anything in our world.

  6. If ghosts "don't exist"...then what are all these things that people see...even children see?

    I wonder , too, why some spirits are seen and others aren't. I wonder if ALL spirits are here..but we just don't see or hear them. I wonder if they can read our thoughts..or if we need to ask them out loud to make themselves visible.

      I wonder too...about the ones we call the "saints" who seem to appear to people. I thought if you "crossed over" you didn't come back. These saints are supposedly in Heaven.

    How can anyone answer your question? (although I think Sylvia Browne would have an answer). The thing is...if they can change their "image" (like some change their avatars) could we REALLY know if it's REALLY them? I think a lot of people count on how the spirit makes them "feel".

    Maybe they HAVE crossed over to the "other side". Maybe anything that's unseen IS  "the other side".

    I never worried about my parents because I could only believe they were in Heaven. Not that they were perfect...but I couldn't believe that God would have it any other way. Hopefully , you don't have to be "perfect" to get to the nuns taught us. I don't see how "purgatory" could make anyone better. I would think that feeling God's Love would automatically make you better.

      I've been trying to answer your question..but the thing is...IDK. I don't know why any of them would want to stay on the earth when their family and friends aren't here any longer. Maybe they just don't know WHERE to go.

    Edit.."teh"...I think the paranormal part was what the man saw/felt while he was "dead"...(or whatever you call the state you're in when your spirit is not in your body)

  7. I have a few of my own theories on this. There are three types of purported "ghosts" or hauntings. Residual, meaning it's just a playback of that persons energy and life. Poltergeist the word is from German poltern, meaning to rumble or make noise, and Geist, meaning "ghost", "spirit", or "embodiment", these entities are believed to have some awarness and can generally be michevious and frightening, they are trying to get your attention or make you leave. Some people theorize that they don't know they are dead which in their world would make you the "ghost" so to speak. Then of course demonic or diabolical, there is great controversy over this and has been for years.

    I believe from a spiritual side, meaning I believe in God, if our creator gave us free will in life whats to say that choice isn't there when we die? Meaning we may very well choose not to pass on for whatever reason. With that said I personally believe that some spirits are aware they are dead and continue to stay for their own reasons, I also believe that due to tragedy, some spirits do not realize they are dead and are confused. I believe they do have some awareness of what has happened or more likely that something has changed in their lives.

    Now lets mix a lil science in this for all the non believers,  science has proven that energy is infinite, meaning it may dwindle at times but still exsists, science has also proven that the brain uses a form of energy to exsist, it fires the particles and nuerons that help the brain function, with that in mind, what happens to our energy when we die? Where does it go?

    Taking this one step further, aren't purported"ghosts/hauntings" nothing more then a form of energy materilizing? We hear constantly that negative energy is a portal for hauntings. I think that it's a matter of belief honestly, there certainly is no answer that wont be argued by one person or another.

    As a researcher into the paranormal, I am hoping that what we do will one day help answer these questions.

  8. Very few of them are aware of their surroundings.  Some are not even aware that they are dead.  If they haven't crossed over yet, then they have unfinished business or they have died in such a traumatic way.  Until they confront or someone helps them finish their business, they will forever wander.

    Here is some great ifno & explanations:

    A ghost is a ghost is a ghost? Not by a long shot. Ghosts differ by type and here for your edification I have compiled a list of commonly seen (and to give skeptics their due, “not really seen”) kinds of ghosts, with accompanying explanations:

    Traditional apparition (think Casper): This is a ghost who interacts with the living, either for better or worse. These are the spirits who can playfully hide objects, sit on your bed and frighten you awake, throw sharp objects, or plea for help. Apparitions such as these are thought to be held over in this world because of unfinished business or due to a violent death and need help from the living to resolve their issues before passing on to the next realm. This is considered “intelligent” haunting because the ghosts appear to be aware of the people around them as well as their surroundings.

    Residual haunting (imprints): These are basically recorded images of past events that replay over and over again in the same place. These ghosts never vary their routine and do not seem to be aware of the presence of others. These “recordings” are thought to be imprints left over from strong emotion at the time of death or created by magnetic fields that literally tape-record an event. There are interesting occurrences in residual haunting, particularly in ancient cities such as London where buildings have been built over other buildings for centuries. A ghost known to haunt a particular room in a building that has an older foundation underneath it is only seen from the calves up, as if it is walking on the floor it is familiar with, the one under the present day floor. This is considered “unintelligent” haunting because the ghost is not aware of people or surroundings.

    Anniversary ghost: This is a type of residual haunting where ghosts are seen on the anniversary of their death, originally caused by some tragic event. These are particularly common in castle hauntings and relate back to legends of tragedies from centuries past. An example of this type of haunting is the legend of the “Ghostly Bridal Party” of Featherstonhaugh Castle, Northumberland. The story goes that a bridal party, riding out for a celebratory hunt after the wedding, was ambushed by enemies and killed. When their bloodless corpses appeared before the family in the banquet hall (right at midnight, of course), the lord of the manor collapsed and became a madman from that day until his death. On the anniversary of that date you can supposedly see the phantom hunting party making its way back to the castle gates (Marsden, 1987).

    Poltergeist: A disorderly spirit, whose activities very often center on an adolescent member of a household, who creates violent havoc by moving objects, making loud noises, and generally creating unpleasant and potentially dangerous situations.

    Messenger (think Banshees): This type of ghost is often a family ghost, often appearing to family members to herald the death of another family member. An example of this type of visitation is given by Simon Marsden in his The Haunted Realm, “Another ghost is that of the ‘Green Lady’ [of Ethie Castle, Angus, Scotland] who appeared when a member of the Northesk family was about to die. The most recent occurrence was when the Earl of Northesk died in London and she appeared to several members of the family in the ‘tapestry room.’” Ireland has its own messenger ghosts, female spirits called banshees that let out a distinct wailing cry which is known to herald death.

    Projection: This is the theory that ghosts are all in the mind and are merely a projection of thoughts and fears of the human subconscious.  

    Demon: A spirit that possesses a human being and causes him or her to do evil acts.

    Orbs and light ghosts (think will o’ the wisp): unexplainable mysterious lights, sometimes orb shaped, that seem to move of their own volition, appearing and disappearing at will. See Weird NJ ( for accounts pertaining to lights and orbs that appear along railway lines, leading to so-called “Hookerman” legends. Also for more about will o’ the wisps check out

  9. On Fox's Good Morning Show with Mike and Juliet, they interviewed a man that drowned in ice cold water and was brought back to life.

    I think it happened in 1993, and he had been clinically dead for over 2 hours then was brought back to life.

    I forget the man's name, but he liked being dead. He said it's not like you have a body, but your senses are keyed up and you walk around sensing things.......

    I missed a lot of his interview, but I do remember him saying he wished they had not resuscitate him back to life.


  11. These are all good questions.  However, until it can be difinitively decided that ghosts exist and until it can be determined what causes ghosts these are the kinds of questions that we will not be able to answer except in theoretical (as opposed to practical) speculation.

  12. all are not aware that they have passed on.  In the case of a residual haunt, they will not see or interact with you.  They just go about doing what it they do.  They do not cross for a variety of reasons.  Sometimes death was sudden and they are not aware.  Sometimes they are aware, but made a decision not to cross over.

  13. The majority of reported cases would suggest the answer to your question is no ghosts are not fully aware of their surroundings as that most reported ghosts do not interact with the living. Most ghost seem to be associated with the"video recorder" theory (one of at least 9 theories that I am aware of). These images always reenact the same scene movements over and over like a video tape would.

    The idea is that a moment with enough emotional charge (usually negative but the theory doesn't exclude the positive) gets recorded into the atmosphere and those people who can tune into the right channel will see this recording.

    Of course this does not fit all accounts as that some ghosts do appear to interact and communicate with the living. For this there are 2 common theories one that the surviving spirit of a person is seen and communicating and another that says you are acquiring information via ESP and then create a hallucination (usually visual since most human information is acquired that way) in order to bring the information to conscious awareness.

    Of course yet another theory suggest that spirits are trapped into doing the same action over and over again as if it were punishment or a unbreakable cycle.

    Yet another theory suggest that we simply are seeing that same moment in time over and over again through something like a wormhole.

    So, if you believe in the surviving spirit theory they could know they moved on. If you don't there are other explanations for ghosts experiences.

    The popular belief for ghosts not moving on is unfinished business (find the will, properly bury the body, find the killer, etc.) and when this is done the spirit will move on or rest in peace. One might ask if a living person might not be bothered by this unfinished business and project a ghost themselves as a way to try to finish what the living still has left undone. Either way completing this business or coming to terms with it often does end the experience of ghosts.

    Also, hauntings can have additional explanations (beyond the easily eliminated skeptical ones) as they do not all include sightings of ghosts.


  14. according to the bible...YES there are such things as what we call "ghosts"....however they are supposedly demons instead of "ghosts"...Yes demons can have form and shape....Therefore there is no such thing as a "good" or "friendly" ghost. I have heard stories of a ghost who makes this lady coffee every morning...this may seem nice however they are ultimately demonic...

    The_hedd...The story has nothing to do with something paranormal...The human body has a REALLY GOOD chance of being revived if they have drowned in freezing water due to the fact that all of the bodys' systems are working slower and are somewhat preserved fopr the time being...I remember my EMT instructor explaining something like that along the lines...

  15. From my experience I find that most ghosts are aware of where they are.  Also some seem to be stuck and are not aware of time passing on.  Some are interactive with you and some are just stuck in a loop and keep repeating the same thing over and over again.  As far as not crossing over to the other side I can only guess.  Some are afraid to go over because they fear judgment.  A lot stay behind to watch over family and children, this is common with female ghosts. I think some don't believe in a afterlife and are just stuck.

  16. yes they are really bad some spirits but some of the spirits are good

    take care

  17. I am a Paranormal Investigator i do believe in paranormal activity and believe there are spirits here many things have happened in my life that i cannot explain and have seen spirits of different types in different locations. I will continue this day forward like i have been doing , to continuously help those in need of paranormal guidance just like alot of people in this paranormal field are here to help one another :) but i still stand the same i believe in paranormal occurrences and ghosts/spirits. When Spirits are through with their business in this world i believe they cross over. i also believe when you pass on you have free will to travel back and fourth at will! but yet some spirits are sometimes decide to stay because of unfinished business etc. or they are comfortable here.

    you can read many experiences of our team on our site here was my first :) i love sharing this one but people on Y/A have prolly heard this 1000 time lol!!!

    was six and lived in Trenton , MI . When the family and I were sitting on the living room couch watching TV, they all of the sudden heard a loud crash that sounded like glass breaking. We ran down stairs to find the remains a light bulb in swept into a dust pan with a broom standing next to it , between that experience many things happened in that home such as things flying across the TV stand onto the floor was one creepy experience.Another is when my mother one day was doing laundry and something screamed boo in her ear . What ever was there in the home struck me in the back with a shoving almost like a smack when i was sitting down and watching tv and shortly after My mom had told me at night she would hear footsteps around her bed at night on a daily basis.”

    Ryan ~Paranormal Investigator/Researcher~
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