
Haut de la Garenne - The children's home in Jersey. What are people's views on the home?

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I was reading about the cruelty in the 1940's of the children. Some think it happened so long ago its not worth investigating but now they found bone fragments and milk teeth. What are your views?




  1. well if that is the case then why persue n***s because that happened longer then that

    everything needs to be persued so the truth may come out and we can have the knowledge to learn and move on

  2. Here I was expecting to see a brief description and a link.

    Instead of assuming that we've all read whatever you've been reading, some explanation or detail would have been helpful.

    What are my views about what? Cruelty toward children? I'm against it.

    Is there any reason to study that particular place?

    I don't see why not.

    Let's see, children in the 40's -- say someone 10 in 1948. It's 60 years later, so that person is now 70. So many of them are probably still alive!

    Even if that weren't the case, yes, there's a point to studying things that happened in the past. Why wouldn't there be?

    They found bone fragments and milk teeth? OK. I have no idea what the significance of this is.

    See, explaining what you're talking about would have been really helpful.

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