
Havard Medical School?

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Hey i am a freshman in high school I was wondering if someone could help me out with this question?

What cumulative high school GPA, MCAT, and SAT scores do you have to have to get into Harvard Medical School?





  1. its not just your scores that determine if you can make it into harvard. they look at your classes, volunteer hours, activities...etc but you do need to have very high scores and best possible situation would be a 4.0 GPA

  2. Your UG GPA and MCAT are what are considered for medical school.  You need to have the most rigorous courses available whatever your major, pretty much all As and top 95th percentile or above MCAT, and evidence of healthcare related volunteer or paid work.  Even then, many qualified people are turned away.  There are many excellent medical schools in the US, not just Harvard (actually Johns Hopkins is higher-ranked).  

  3. You can't get into Harvard Med as an undergraduate, so your high school GPA and SATs don't matter: just your college grades.  As for MCAT scores, they'll need to be high (30s), but you're a long way from having to worry about that.  Just concentrate on preparing yourself for a good undergraduate program where you can work on the other prerequisites.

  4. Well, I can tell you that SAT's don't count for anything. Remember that you must go to college first as a pre-med student, so the SAT's will account for the pre-med college that you go to. Again, your highschool GPA will only help you with getting into college. Your GPA must be very high. A normal medical school requires at least a 3.7. Harvard will almost definitely be a 4.0. Your MCAT score will be important for med school. Talk to a counselor for more information.  
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