
Have 10 days before I give birth and still can't decide on name. Any Idea

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I have chosen these four names, but still not sure which one I should keep any suggestions? I love the middle name Alexander but still not sure. Let me know what you think about these four:

Kaden Akeno Moran

Kaden Alexander Moran

Eli Robert Moran

Eli Alexander Moran




  1. kaden is very cute but so many boys called kaden now!!!

    i like alexander for a boys first name its nice as alex and alexander and sound like a confident little boy!!!

  2. How about Elliot Alexander Moran.Eli could be the nickname or Alex.

    Its a lovely name <3

  3. kaden's cute

    christian alexander moran

    nathan alexander moran

    gabril alexander moran

  4. My favourite is Kaden Alexander (though I prefer Caden)

  5. Kaden is great, I like Akeno it's a great name, you can more than one middle name, what about:

    Kaden Akeno Alexandra Moran, or just:

    Kaden Akeno Moran

    Hahaha KAAM or KAM?

    Kam would be a good nickname...

  6. when you look at your child for the first time you will immediately know the name. trust me

  7. kaden kyle moran

  8. Kaden Alexander goes together very well, but Kaden is such a common name anymore that I have to root for Eli Alexander.  

  9. I like Eli Alexander Moran out of the 4

    I also like the name Aidan, Ayden

    And Sebastian *nickname seb, sebby <very cute>

    and Blain

    ... just a couple

  10. Defo Kaden Alexander Moran :):)

    I like Kaden spelt Kaiden too.

    If your not sure about middle names why not



    Elijah (then you can call him Eli or Kaden)

    but i really like Kaden Alexander :)


  11. Kaden Alexander is a very strong name...I like it!!

  12. Eli.

    That name is just cute!!

  13. anything but akeno

  14. My favourite out of your choices is Kaden Alexander Moran.  Not really fond of Eli as a name and Akeno just sounds too different

    Good luck with your baby

  15. Don't ever use Akeno, its ugly. Kaden Alexander or Eli Alexander are great. I like Kaden better and Eli as Elijah.

  16. kaden alexander moran but eli alexander moran sounds okay

  17. I prefer Kaden Alexander Moran

  18. i like Eli Alexander Moran

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