
Have 4 tickets, two in one row, and two in another row .. is there anyway to get them to change places?

by  |  earlier

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Its 3 people that are going .. well me and my two kids.. I had four free tickets from the All star vote .. and that would not work having them sit in a different place. Is there anyway to fix this?

Its at the Rangers Ballpark, by the way.




  1. yes, some good advice so far...another option is to go to the ticket office and explain your situation to them and ask to trade your four tickets for three together somewhere else (i doubt it will be a sellout, so this might very well be possible). Usually the ticket office at the ballpark tries to be helpful, and when they see you and your kids, they'll be accommodating. Or, as someone said, you could take another adult and split up, and if you can't find one, i'm available--i like baseball and i like kids. (no, eh? ah well, it was worth a Enjoy the game.

  2. you can ask but odds are no, there's season ticket holders and people who have already bought the seats! i'm sure if you asked to the people next to you in the higher seats if they wanted better tickets, they wouldn't say no so maybe they'll take your other 2 and you can have their seats.

  3. Just take them to the ticket office and explain to them that all the tickets need to be together because it's you and your small children. Then they'll check to see where there are tickets still avalible  in that section and give you those tickets instead.

  4. If the game is a couple of days or weeks from now you can e-mail the club and tell them about you problem. If the game is quickly approaching then you can tell some one who works at the park about the problem and they will probably ask some people to move if not simply ask the peole to switch. The same thing happened to me.

  5. The only way to fix it is to ask people to trade seats.

    If they are alone, and there is really no difference in the seat view, they they might do it.

  6. Go there and see who is in the other seats and just ask them when you get there. And I've been to events with my kids and we sat in different rows (they were about 5 or 6 at the time) and it was ok - I just put them in front of me so I could keep an eye on them. You could also ask another adult to come and split up the kids - you with one kid and the other adult with the other kid.

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