
Have 8yr old son who is severely constipated, any help greatly appreciated, going on 5 wks now.?

by  |  earlier

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He has been to Doctor numerous times. Told to do Myralax 2x a day for a week, didn't work. X-ray showed severely constipated all through out except r****m. Then told to use Myralaz 4x a day, didn't work, x-rayed and still no improvement. Now we are doing milk and molasses e***a 2 the first day and then Myralax and call dr. in 2 days. He has already done the e***a's and no results. He is in great pain and has missed 4wks of school because of this. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. At my witts end.




  1. Well if you can get him to a doctor asap and make sure he drinks lots and lots of water! take care!

  2. Surgery if its that serious. I dont blame u for being at ur wits end. Sheesh, four weeks of school?

  3. Ok 5 weeks is a long time to be constipated. Thats weird the enemas havent done anything, usually they work on the first try. I think you need to consider having him go through surgery to get rid of all this blockage. Are you sure he's not doing this to be stubborn? Does he know this can be fatal. After he has surgery, make sure he has metimucil 1-3 times per day, and don't allow him out of the washroom until he's done.

  4. I would strongly suggest that you get another doctor's opinion ASAP!!.  I just heard about a little girl having a similar situation as your son's.  It was later found out that she was allergic to gluten.(This was just one case something totally different may be wrong with your son)  Her mother found out this unusual diagnosis by not becoming content with just one doctor's opinion. So, for the sake of your son, please see another doctor. Perhaps, a gastroenterologist.   I wish you and your son the best of luck.

  5. Take him to the hospital. Some of these things when taken too much for too long can cause bowel problems. This is an emergency sit. Wake him up now and go to th ER. The Dr should have done more, when he leaves the hospital get a new Dr. My husbands cousin couldnt go to the bathroom for 2 weeks and they performed surgery on her due to her bowels being blocked by all of the dried hardened "matter" in her bowels. He's 3 weeks past that point. It's past milk of magnesia and myralax, go to the hospital NOW!

  6. Get another doctors opinion...this could be serious if not treated properly asap...good luck,sounds like u are doing your best!

  7. I can relate I have a son and  we go through this anytime we take him of Myra-lax. I have also had to do the enemas. I am not a medical expert but, I was told by my Pediatrician that you should not repeat an e***a if the first on does not work. If it were my son and both medications were administered the way the doctor prescribed, you need to call, and they need to do something. If you have tried this course of action and are getting results you need to take him to another doctor or specialist.

      In my experience my son at his worst it took 4 days on Myra-lax, when he just couldn't control himself anymore.

      I would guess that that he has a stretched colon and maybe can't pass the mass that has built up.

      This link might be helpful to you:

  8. I strongly suggest that you take that child to another doctor, one that is not affiliated with the hospital the other doctor is.  This child needs medical attention fast!  That happened to my daughter when she was 3 and they gave me a medicine that was a nightmare.  The medicine gave her the need to go to the potty but did not softened the p**p, so she was trying to pass p**p that was the diameter of a can of tomato sauce through...we took her to the emergency room and my child suffered so much!  He needs

  9. wow that poor baby!! i would have him drink water or milk with karo syrup. also increase his fiber as much as possable. i hope he gets better soon!!!

  10. I'd take him to an Urgent Care or ER.  He must be in a lot of pain.  Sorry to hear about this.

  11. my son uses miralax also if it does not work with half a teaspoon our doc said to give the whole teaspoon our son is 3 .  also there is an over the counter laxative it is the only one that is rootbeer flavored it work in about one hour good luck

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