
Have ANY of the presidential hopefuls mention "adoption reform"?

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If so, who and what do they claim to do?




  1. no..not until powerful lobby groups and voter's guides bring it up

  2. I already knew McCain wasn't getting my vote if he ends up the Republican candidate for his views about cutting requirements, but I didn't know about Hillary Clinton.  She's not getting my vote either if she's the Dem candidate.  

    It's hard because access reform is really a no big deal for a lot of these folks.  I guess because there's no money in it.

  3. No and they won't because the lobbyists are on the side of the biblical folks

  4. no and they won't, thats not where the money is....

  5. I have heard Hilary state about restoring the right of access to birth certificates for adoptees "It's a non-issue"

    Needless to say, she won't have my vote (yes, I'm allowed to vote! even as a non-resident I get to go to the Embassy but how DARE I ask for my own birth certificate! LOL!)

  6. Hardly.

    I've heard Romney, McCain, and Guliani also spout pro-adoption crappola.

  7. I'm not sure specifically, but John and Cindy McCain adopted a little girl from Bangladesh. I would think he would be quite pro-adoption.

  8. Thanks for the heads up on McCaine.

    No one has talked about it because we haven't made them put it on the agenda. No one is asking about adoption reform. Hopefully, in July, it will be brought to the forefront. There is going to be a rally in New Orleans and I plan on attending, with my husbands blessings. I just realized that I need to get some more information on it, such as where are we supposed to stay?! I know I'll need to share a room, hopefully all that is being planned. I hope that the people who are in charge of this will email me with the information.

    Just a head's up to everyone / anyone else attending... When I get all the information, I am going to contact the news stations here and some other cities that I've lived in. I live in the one of the largest cities in the country and I think we need to get this information out now, so others can plan accordingly. I hope everyone else will contact their local news stations to let them know so we can give it alot of publicity.

  9. Not positive reform. McCain has publicly stated that he would like to decrease the requirements that prospective adoptive parents have to meet in order to prove that they would be acceptable parents. Specifically, he thinks home visits and in-depth interviews with social workers are too invasive. His "reform" policy would harm babies and children by cutting back on the few positive changes in the adoption industry that have been enacted in the last 50 years.

  10. I haven't heard the word adoption specifically, but Hillary seems to be the most outspoken regarding children's needs.  She seems to be the best candidate if it's got anything to do with children's needs.

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