
Have America's Democrats Lost Their Collective Mind ...?

by Guest56639  |  earlier

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We as a Country are selecting our candidates for the most important positon in the land if "not" the world.

What's the Far Left Liberals choice?

Barak "Hussein" Obama.

3 years experience in the Senate.

A voting Record of 186 times "Present"

NO major legislation, no experience whatsoever in miltary matters much less foreign policy.

A man who is running on "pigmentation" and the same hackneyed phrase(s).

He has never owned up to his true ethnicity (nothing wrong with it) but he's simply "NOT" an African-American.

He's the product of a mixed marriage, a Lilly White mother and a dyed in the wool Muslim father "and" Muslim Stepfather.

He belongs to an openly racist church. It's no secret.

His "Pastor" gave a Lifetime Achievement Award to Louis Farrakhan and Barak Hussein Obama was in the front row during the ceremony standing on tip toes applauding.

Al Jazeera lauds Barak "Hussein" Obama and refers to him as "The Muslim candidate for President".

Oy ve




  1. What you are seeing is Democracy in action.  You happened to disagree with the majority of Democrats and that is your right.  I am a Republican but your reasons for believing as you do certainly labels you as a radical right wing republican and that is the reason why so many Democrats are turning away from the Republican Party.

    Calm down and start working in the Republican Party so that McCain can defeat the Democrats.

  2. they can't loose what they never had..................

  3. I'm as conservative as they come, and will NOT be voting for Obama, despite being unhappy with the Republican candidates as well.  It doesn't help conservatives to get your facts as wrong as you do.

    Obama is NOT a Muslim, regardless of his family members, regardless of Al Jazeera's idiot opinions.  They never get anything else right, why do you think they'd get this one?  Obama is absolutely a long-standing member of a Christian church, though I agree that particuliar sect is racist.

    Of course Obama is African-American.  His father was from Kenya.  His mother is American.  He was born in Hawaii, though I don't know if Hawaii was a state yet at the time, it was at least a US territory.  Doesn't get any more African American than that.

    The main reasons to vote against Obama is lack of experience, and his far-left leanings.  He is only a candidate because he has incredible personal charisma.

    GGG, those leftists who've hijacked your party now ARE your party.  The Democrats picked up after the Communists finally realized they would never win.  I imagine you see Republicans as wealthy and out of touch with workers.  Well, here are the names of some famous Dems:  Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Paul Allen, Barbra Streisand, Noam Chomsky($4.5 million earned doing research for the Pentagon), all the Kennedys, almost all the Rockefellers, the Hiltons, Steven Spielberg, in fact virtually everyone in famous Hollywood circles.

    Republicans are the working class and the hard-working small business owners who make up 80% of American business.  These people believe in doing for themselves and government staying out of their lives.  It's time for you to forget old labels and think deeply about where you really fit in.

  4. I agree with you that he has no experience worth bringing up for president.  That's the only reason why I'm not voting for him. His church is christian but it's racist. Not much of a christian church I suppose. However, I'm not voting for Clinton either.

  5. #1...... Obama and Hillary are NOT real democrats....... They are liberals that hijacked the democrat party...... I remember when real democrats were supported by real working class americans...... These new democrats are all about more welfare, environmentalist, g**s, high taxes, getting rid of the second amendment ---- in other words they are all about the lunatic fringe.......------ Hillary is a socialist so she's a no -------- Obama actualy seems like a nice guy BUT he is nothing more than an empty shirt, theres no substance...... He's supposedly the posterboy for change but what change?? Obama is like a Hallmark greeting card, but when the card is opened theres no message, no substance --- from what I figured out about the guy he's just another liberal misfit --- the sorry thing is the republicans have nothing to offer either - McCain?? give me a break!  There are 300 million people in this great country of ours and all the powers to be can come up with is these losers???

  6. Mr Obama's charisma is undeniable. I trust in the sympathy, emotions, and moral sense of the people of the world.

    The intelligence, unfortunately, I can't comment on.

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