
Have Any of you been sexually assaulted?

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Have Any of you been sexually assaulted?




  1. I'm a straight dude. Yes it happened to me when I was 14, by a dude who was 15 but was built like a grown man. I was a real small guy for my age. After all our friends left the basketball court in my friends backyard, he tried to pull some random sexual c**p after I was trying to leave. I prepared to fight him, and he stopped, took off, and I made sure I didn't hang out with shadey people again.

    Now, when ever I'm around really big masculine guys who stare at me, all I can think is, 'either this guy is just being an a*hole, or he's one of those shady, closet case g*y/bi guys who blends in easily as straight.' And steer clear of em.

  2. i might say some perverted things sometimes but i would never put my hands on a woman without her permission and if i ever saw somebody attempt that i would kick his a.s.s  

  3. Ive had an ugly girl try and touch my package and she wouldn't **** off it was more funny than a sexual assault of course you cant hit women but otherwise nope

    technically i fuked a women who was over 18 and i was 15 at the time and in law thats considered rape oh well I didnt call the police

  4. Yes, when I was in 8th grade, by my cousin and his friends, and no one did anything about, they didn't even believe me. AMOF, it happened three times in the 8th grade. That's why I don't like s*x, today.

  5. h**l Nooooo !!!!

  6. I posted a question earlier abt being sexually assualted by someone i knew.

  7. No my ex gf  was

  8. Oh they tried a couple of times, it wasnt worth the fight and busted furniture they found out.

  9. It was tried once when I was 10 but the fight was on. A male thought he would introduce me to some young ducks in a marshy area. The problem was that he was an identical twin and I couldn't report which one it was.

  10. - Yes twice

  11. Yes...too many times. The most recent was while I was in college. I was working at a pizza restaurant. After closing time the manager put his hands on me.  

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