
Have COPD, get clammy, feeling hot inside, cold outside?

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Like when you a fever drops. Have no fever (98.6)

Oxygenation sometimes drops down and have to rest.




  1. COPD just shortness of breath i thought

  2. It's normal for people with COPD to have infrequent drops in their O2 saturation levels.  However, that in itself will not normally cause a person to have the type of symptoms that you have described.  My first question would be 'Are you on Steroids for inflammation of the airways?'  The reason that I ask this is because steroids can affect blood sugars.  Changes in blood sugars can and do cause the type of symptoms that you are experiencing.  Also, if you have a family history of diabetes, are having trouble exercising due to the COPD, and have put on weight may all be things that you need to talk with your doctor right away.  It is not at all uncommon for people who have lung issues to also develop diabetes secondary due to the additional medication that they are on and because they become less able to burn off weight.  Please talk to your doctor asap.  

  3. While blood sugar issues could cause your symptoms, it could also be a blood pressure issue.  I have pulmonary fibrosis and suffer from low blood pressure due to DHF (diastolic heart failure).  This is a result of internal pulmonary pressure, forcing the heart to work harder.  The heart gets bigger because blood pools in the heart at rest.  The heart never relaxes like it is supposed to.  The pooling makes the heart bigger.  Even though it is bigger, it is less efficient at moving the blood through your body.  This causes your blood pressure to drop.  

    Your symptoms match mine.  I actually get them quite often.  Consult with your physician and see if it may be a good idea to have your heart checked.  An echo cardiogram may be in order as well as a nuclear stress test.  This will tell him/her if you have issues.  A good way to see if you have blood pressure issues is to measure your blood pressure while lying down.  If it drops, you probably have an issue with your heart.  Remember, the heart and lungs work in conjunction to oxygenate your body.  It is a vicious circle.  Your lungs don't work so the body doesn't get the O2 it needs.  The brain tells the heart to pump harder.  The heart pumps furiously and the pressures in the lungs rise.  This makes the lungs work even less.  This causes the brain to tell the heart to work harder.  And on and on and on.

    Talk with your doctor.  They can treat DHF with medication.  It is just as dangerous as high blood pressure.  Good luck to you.

  4. sounds like you have heat exhaustion Heat exhaustion is a milder form of heat-related illness that can develop after several days of exposure to high temperatures and inadequate or unbalanced replacement of fluids. Those most prone to heat exhaustion are elderly people, people with high blood pressure, and people working or exercising in a hot environment.

    Cooling measures that may be effective include the following:

    Cool, nonalcoholic beverages, as directed by your physician  


    Cool shower, bath, or sponge bath  

    An air-conditioned environment  

    Lightweight clothing

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