I have seen a lot of people on Y! bashing the ethanol and other bio-fuel products because "it wastes food" or "it takes X much gas to make" or any number of other uninformed reasons. Well I live in the midwest and in my area we had an extremely good year for many of the crops. So good in fact that there is no place to put all the crops from the harvest.
Here is a small article from a local news station
I'm just curious if people who think Ethanol is bad have ever thought about this kind of situation. There is no place to put all of the excess crops, all the bins, elevators, and trains are full... the extra is being stored outside, in piles, on the ground. For anyone that doesn't know... that's not good. All the time and energy used to collect this energy source is being eaten by birds, mice, deer, mold, and being lost back into the ground. Ethanol is a way for us to use this energy, because it is already available.