
Have I Got an Eye problem? please help?

by  |  earlier

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Basically, Where ever is look i see black flickery bits ( not 'floaters' but i mean they dont go away EVER) and most of the time theres a faint block outline of something in white ( not like when someone takes a picture and theres an outline, i dont know what the outline is of)

The flickers dont stop me seeing things as ive been to the opticians about it and i can read every letter. I've tried explaining the problem, but the same woman keeps telling me there just floaters and everyone has them, but when i describe the problem to my mates they say they have never had it.

It's so annoying as i just look up at the sky and its almost as ive there is a layer of black flickering on the sky. ( i can see through the flickering though)

I've had this problem since i can remember ( im 15 now) but i dont know what the term for it is as it's it really hard for me to explain it in speech ( let alone text) to people.

remember: The flickering is there ALL the time.





  1. go and see your g.p. and if you get no reasonable answer, then ask for a referall to your local hospital  or specialist eye hospital


    read this.

    it might help. try explaing to ur doc if u can.:)

  3. it's difficult to know online, but rather than go to the opticians again you might want to try to doctors, to see if it's actually something wrong with the back of your socket or even some part of your brain connectivity to your sight (and not in a harsh way) rather than your actual eye. are you out in the sun a lot?

  4. If thier always thier i would say you have permenant damage to your cornea. However if they flicker like on and off, then i have no clue. It may me more of a inner eye problem or even a part of your brain.

  5. go to another optometrist.

  6. i had exactly the same problem, for some reason it tends to go away between the ages of 19-22.

    good luck!

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