
Have I Turned White Aka Proper ? No Offense?

by  |  earlier

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well im black, but lately i have been acting more proper and thinking more like a republican, why is this i even should white these days as ive ben told




  1. All you have to worry about is being yourself. Believe what you believe.  There will be people who are threatened by your growth and say or do things to hold you back. Don't buy it.  My first wife came from a fairly uneducated, lower class family.  She went college, didn't get pregnant, got a good paying job and a home and got made her siblings look at themselves and they coped with it by calling her a yuppie, snob, and all that.  Now, really, I don't know about that Republican thing man, who you are.

  2. There is nothing wrong with acting proper or thinking republican. Its your life and your mind, do with it what you will.

    Freedom isn't about how you dress or your hairstyle. Its not about talking a certain way. Its about your thoughts being your own.

    If people think your not acting thug enough then thats their issue. You need to live your life the way thats best for you.

    I went through a similar thing about 8 years ago. I was always a punk/rock kid. Long hair, ripped jeans, all of that. Then I turned 19 and went into the military. Everyone thought I was crazy and that I was selling out for free college money. It was the best decision of my life.

    I traveled the world, fought in a war, met my wife and got a great job as a civilian making 75K a year when I got out. I'm still punk/rock but you can't tell by the way I dress. I like it better that way.

  3. S$#@, you r 2 much. I give you a star for making me laugh

  4. Ha're so funny

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