
Have I cost the Democrats the Election?

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Have I cost the Democrats the Election?




  1. Hi Hillary.  I didn't know you asked questions here.

    And no, I don't think you cost the Democrats the election.  They'll lose it all on their own.

    See you in 2012.

    (also, thats not a flattering picture of you)

  2. yes, the day you announced you were running

  3. yes & that was your plan all along wasn't it  

  4. Hillary, you are a woman, aging without grace.  I horrible bitter shrew whose mouth is so perpetually contorted in a grimace that you and your advisors had to practice smiling, just so it wouldn't look like something from a Halloween nightmare.

    However, you didn't cost the Democrats the election.  Like usual, they self-destructed.  They bitterly and obscenely fought amongst themselves in the most unseemly manner, something the high class Republicans would never do.  You were just another scary clown under the big circus tent they call the Democratic Party.

  5. No the link below has...

    But we will take the oval office thanks to the woman below and her overwhelming inexperience.

  6. No, you have helped us regain the White House.

    God Bless you Hillary.

  7. well considering 9% of "your" supporters said they are now more likely to vote McCain thanks to Palin, I'd say you very well might have.  

    Gary F.  Doesn't matter.  Bush isn't running again.  McCain has Repub support overwhelmingly compared to Obama's Dem. support.  That's facts.

  8. is doing that all on his own.  

  9. Whoops. Not. But, Sarah Palin just cost the Republicans the Election.


  10. No and Hillary I love you even though you pretended to be from my city, Scranton.  I feel that saying you are from my city is reason enough not to vote for you.  I'll let that go though.  Hillary gave an amazing speech as did Bill.  I feel Hillary wanted it bad, but was a gentle-woman (wordishness).  My first love is getting this man elected and Hillary please don't ever pretend to live in my town.  Peace out, Girl power like the spice girls.

  11. No the utter hypocricy , supreme arrogance and outright stupidity of the Democratic Party bosses will cost them this election and in the coming years much of the electorate.  People are sick and tired of their pandering to special intrests the use of threats to get their way, their lies, the use of the race card, their divisve tactics and their slandering of anyone who opposes them.

  12. no but god help us if mccain is  president we might be up the creek

  13. The Sh*t --

    And after the 2000 Republican Primary, 40% of McCain's supporters said they would not vote for Bush.


    What facts? It's not even a certainty that he will carry Arizona, where state Republicans consider him a radical, liberal, socialist.

    Here's a fact: McCain seriously considered running as Kerry's VP in 2004.

  14. LOL No but you should choose a more flattering icon pic.

  15. Not at all my dear woman. McCain will s***w himself up in the end. Fundies cannot win 3 times in a row.

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