
Have I eaten to much today?

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I'm 12 years old,152cm in height and 146.2lbs.

I'm cutting down on my eating,and I want to know if i ate to much.


Half a sandwich(cheese,lettuce and pickles) And water.

cranberry juice



Koo laid(drink)


spaghetti,prawns and spinach.(mixed together) And water.

More water and semi-skimmed milk.

Did I eat to much today?

And how much do I have to lose to be slim(average weight)?

Also do you know any good multivitamins suitable for me(like biotin,omega fish oil...)?

Thank you.




  1. early dinner and there is no such thing as eating to much in one day.

  2. A multivitamin  is alway good for someone to take. It gives you a boost in nutriants that we don't alway get in a day. For breakfast the half of sandwich is good, not a piticular choice I would have made. If you like yogart, I would have had that and the cranberry juice, has breakfast. Skipping meals is bad, try and eat three meals a day and good snack choices. Crackers/pretzles, fresh fruit and veggies are good to snack on too. Water is a good thing to drink. You should be drinking a least 8 or more glasses a day. Try and stay away from the koolade, too much sugar. If cutting down on your intake of food is your goal, then you will need to start reading the labels and only eat what they suggest is the correct serving size. You will also need to have a daily exercise. Riding a bike, jump rope or just walking will help get the pounds down. Just don't strave yourself, if your hungry then eat in moderation and not all at once. I hope this helps. Just keep in mind, you are only 12 and your body will go through many changes from now until the end of life. But by making healthy and wise choices about food and exercise now will pay off in the later years.

  3. you need to lose 30 to 40 lbs.

    don't try to starve yourself... just cut out fats, sugars and processed food.  Also, exercise daily... 20 to 30 minutes of vigorous walking.  Longer if you're just casual walking.  However, take it slow to build up to at least 30 minutes of vigorous activity.

    Also, with weight loss... aim to lose about 2 pounds a week so expect the 30 to 40 pounds to come off in about 5 or 6 months.

    Don't do anything drastic to try to speed up that process.  It will backfire and you'll gain the weight back.  Also, you're 12... your body needs the calories and nutrients to grow.  Eat a well balanced diet with variety.  Avoid junk food and sweets.

    Finally, based upon your meal for the day and what others have said... I agree that you're probably not eating enough.  When that happens is your body thinks it's starving so it actually tries to conserve fat.

  4. No, you did not eat too much.

    You probably did not eat enough. You should not skip meals. And *healthy* snacks between meals are a good idea as well. Fruits, nuts, carrot sticks, celery, and trail mix are all good suggestions.

    You could have had a salad for lunch, as you did not get enough fruits and veggies. You also did not include enough meat for protein, there are lean meats that won't make you fat. Almonds are also a healthy snack, good for a lot of things minerals & vitamins as well as protein. All nuts are full of protein, but some are better than others when it comes to fat content.

    Have your mom take you to your doctor and have him/her give you a healthy eating and exercise program to follow.

    Your body is growing and you need to make sure you get proper nutrition, for all the changes that come with puberty

  5. you have ate enough today

    but though you want to cut down

    you dont have all the proper nutrients so make sure you have those

    dont eat junk foods

    and eat more grains, veggies and water

    dont starve yourself

    make sure you have something at each meal

    breakfast. lunch. dinner

    and not water

    cut down on how much you eat and dont not eat at all

    i have a little cousin and she is 160 cm, 12 years old and 102 lbs. so it it should be around those margins

    excersising helps your eating habits and please remember dont starve yourself

    eat some healthy snacks~ carrots, trail mix etc.

  6. Honestly, you didn’t eat enough today. It might sound weird but for your body to lose weight you need to eat square meals... with proteins.

    If you’re trying to lose weight your body needs to be nourished on regular basis. You don’t want to starve your body of food, but replenish it with plenty of good food and water. Skipping meals is a no no, you didn’t eat lunch. If you go a long time without eating your body will compensate by holding on to more fat the next time you eat.  Think of it as a form of survival, your body thinks food is scarce so to make up for it holds on to fats. To prevent this from happening eat regular meals.

    Your meals should consist of fruits, vegetables, grains and protein like chicken and eggs etc. But what confuse people are processed products or processed products that claim to be healthy. These products are the ones that have been altered or created by man, and are made of things that aren’t healthy for us.  It’s ok if you eat those kinds of foods, just watch your portions. Pay attention to the nutrition facts and the serving size information.

    And about the vitamins any children’s multi-vitamin will do. The difference between children’s vitamins and those for adults are the flavor lol. Before you make any more drastic changes to your diet make sure you talk with a parent (and or a doctor) and have them be a part of your weight loss goal.

  7. no.

  8. You have eaten too less.

    I'm sick of everyone saying to eat smaller portions. It's not about how much you eat. It's about what you eat. For example, if you eat one small brownie that's overloaded with calories, you will have gained more fat than you would if you had eaten a huge salad.

    You need to eat lunch.

    instead of a sandwich in the morning, try a pan of fruits that you like, with no dressing with a piece of whole wheat bread.

    Than for lunch maybe meat will help, like a little bit of chicken breast in a spinach salad. You can throw in some baked salmon, and some more fruit.

    Dinner: A little bit of whole-wheat pasta and maybe some more chicken breast. Get some lettuce greens, more spinach. For dessert a few strawberries will do.

    Keep healthy food on hand.Keep some apples in plain view, an put them in a nice fruit bowl so it will look more appealing to you.Keep strips of cucumber and celery in the fridge for a snack. Always have some of your favourite favourite fruit and vegetables on hand.

    Remember the four food groups! You need a lot of whole grains in your diet and more veggies too.

    Don't mindlessly snack. Doing so will just help your body gain more fat. Eat a high-fiber breakfast. Than you will feel less full at lunchtime so you will eat less without starving yourself,

    By the way, starving yourself will encourage your body to hold on to the fat it already has. Eventually it will give up and your fingernails will turn the slightest tint of blue and you will feel cold even if it is warm.

    The average body weight of a 12 yr old is 120 pounds. If you want to be  skinnier 110 will do.

  9. You actually need to eat more... Your body holds on to fat if it thinks you are starving it.   Eat a few healthy snacks, carrot sticks, celery, a protein bar or some trailmix (nuts and dried berries) during the course of your day. You need calories and carbohydrates for energy. You need energy for that 1/2 hour walk you are going to take everyday....  You're body is like an auto.. it needs fuel.  You are running on fumes.

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