
Have I eaten well today?

by  |  earlier

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Breakfast: Oatmeal and raspberries.

Lunch: Lettuce and carrot salad and a blueberry smoothie.

Snack: Apple.

3540L water

(Haven't had dinner yet)




  1. Those are good healthy foods but you need to add some protein into your meals also.  I would suggest some skim milk, nuts, protein shakes as possible choices to throw in there to get in some protein.

    Edit: haha you edited to i had to edit mine too because i mentioned meat for protein.

  2. No protein. You should try to incorporate legumes and nuts in your daily diet. Your diet would not sustain me throughout the day.

  3. For the evenings fruit juice is okay.

    Have some lenthil soup are you are going to be very hungry and eat a lot.

    Yes you have done well indeed.

    But your lunch plan today is rather inadequate to fill my stomach

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