I will give you a little history on the past few months of my life.
I go to raves, not as much as I use to. I went to a rave on April 20, 2008 and took ecstasy and adderall. I found out the ecstasy was loaded with meth, I felt brain dead for half of the night. I didn't have the energy to talk and I didn't want to talk, and I don't remember half of the night that I felt braindead. I've been doing this for the past 3 years, I have taken a lot of ecstasy, but I have not experienced the way I am feeling today, ever.
After that experience I have not taken ecstasy or any drugs.
Ever since than I have been feeling in a trance, I don't feel fully awake, I feel zoned out for most of the day, I feel zoned out just staring at the screen right now. When I look around at the walls, the objects around me, I don't know if I am truly alive or awake, I feel numb to what I am looking at.
I have been taking ecstasy for the past 3 years, in the beginning I hardly used it, then I got heavily into it using it every weekend, and then slowly near the end up until April 20th, I have been slowly taking less quantities and taking it less in every month. In hopes that would help whatever kind of long term withdrawal I would have from it.
So I'm not sure if it was from what I took on April 20th that made me how I've been feeling the past couple of months, or if because I'm taking it less and less my brain is detoxing or trying to get back to normal?
Any advice or anyone who has experienced this, please help!
Thank you.