
Have I fractured my heel?

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A couple of months ago i was running barefoot and I stepped on a rock, it hurt like h**l when I did it and I couldn't put pressure on it for nearly a week.

It got better, but the yesterday it came back, in exactly the same spot and I cant put pressure on it again... it really hurts!

Could I have fractured it? and is there anything I can do to make it easier to walk?

I also dance, and when we warm up I wear only socks, could this have brought it back the second time?

Thanx :)




  1. It would be very unlikley for you to have fractured your heel. This would take a huge amount of force (and you would know when you have done it - like jumping off a roof and landing on concrete).  An exception may be if you have a bone density disorder.

    One of the most common types of pain for which you are describing is a condition called plantar fasciitis. The plantar fascia runs underneath the arch of the foot and plays a major role in holding it up. Commonly it is damaged through a lack of support where the arch continues to drop and the plantar fascia is under constant strain, so if you are dancing a lot without shoes you can be at risk of developing this condition.

    I would start with RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation). Would advise to see a podiatrist and get an accurate diagnosis. You may need to change your shoes, look at orthotics or they may show you some strapping for reducing the strain on the fascia.  In the mean time try and wear supportive joggers as much as possible to reduce the strain on the plantar fascia.  

    You need to get a diagnosis for effective treatment! The longer you leave it the worse it will most likely get and make you stop dancing.

    This is just my opinion, but may help you.

    type in 'Plantar fasciitis' in google and see if your symptoms match.


  2. You were probably expecting for one of us to say this, so I'll go ahead and tell you:

    Go get it checked out. One appointment at the doctors and an X-ray will relieve your daily worry of what's going on.  

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