
Have I lost the plot? I had an issue with my friend, and I wrote her an email? Was this crazy?

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The reason why I am writing this email is I am really dissapointed. I was friends with you, because you were bubbly, fun, caring and most of all honest. Throughout my life, I have met alot of people that bullshit, and i chose to not be around people like that. But it seems to me you are just like them. Dotn react or get angry, but when people tell me things that dont make sense, I don just sit there and say cool, I investigate the matter to see if they are honest or not. It seems to me you were dishonest in what you said to me.

1. Once, when you called me and said you were working for someone, you told me you were making $4000 dollars a week. As you are almost 19, I calculated that $4000 a week. If you calculate that by 52 weeks is your annual income of 208 000 dollars a year. Alot of people your age dont make that money, especially working for someone. Especially if you had done a 3 month course, which you told me you did. If you dont remember this story, it was a while back when I was living in Bilambil. Around 3 weeks ago. You said you were making 4 grand a week, that were your precise words.

2. Hair extensions do cost the average 500 to 800 dollars. You got that correct. But when I asked that you had your own business and you were making alot of profit. Sometimes you get five a day?

I checked with other people, as i asked hairdressers on that yes you can get a rhythm on doing it for two hours but

a.) People wouldnt pay that amount if you were doing a job only for two hours.Apparently its 50$. I dont know what they meant by that.

b.)People pay the hair dressers 8 hundred for the length of time and the hair extensions included.

c.) Since I was 15 , I had always wanted to get hairextensions, and from around 15 hair salons, all of them said for a full head it takes a whole day.

d.) You said its the rythem, you would think if you are going to a top hairdresser, youd think they would have the best, and of course they would ahve the rhythem. I was not stupid when you mentioned that.

e.) At almost 18, who would pay that amount for a person who has just gone out of the course, at that age and only have it done in 1.5 or two hours.

f.) Hairdressers said, if you were doing it at that time and the experience you have had, then you mustnt be doing a good job.

g. I also calculated lats say i wrote an averge of 550 per full head. Then i wrote for a whole week, 4 people a day times 5. That equalled to

$572 000 dollars per year annually. That was average. That sounded a bit extreme. If you bullshit, atkeast do it more smartly.

h.) You need a license to start a business. ( i dont care but you do , just letting you now)

i.) People who make alot of money usually keep their mouths shut,, and dont claim their profits, especially people suppossably making the moeny you do. Bosses of a business usually say they are the manager, because they dont want anyone to know what they make. They usually find that the managers usually bullshit and say they are the bosses of the business. You can always know when poeple bullshit if they let you know how much they earn.

So ive said it, ok . I asked myself, maybe your an overexxaggerator or a bullshitter. I live my life very honestly, and when you live your life honstly , you seem to find out who really are the bullshitters. Dotn get angry and try and prove your facts straight, its calculated. I just needed to let you know, that i know you werent telling the truth , from the minute you openly talked about it. i know im ur friend, and u prob openly talked about it to me, but its still wasnt correct. I know i dont know whats happening, but wow, stella, im not that stupid. I felt what u were trying to do was to say , ive made it and you havent. In other words, im successful alreadfy, know one can say anyhting or bullshit me. I am studying and will get somewhere , but right now my success is being loved and loving my beautiful son repsonsibly. I wrote everything you said on yahoo, and all the comments said you were bullshitting. all 12 of them. So sorry

Love Katya




  1. yeah i agree when ppl **** you, sometimes u need to tell them...

    i have a feeling she prob is jealous of someone maybe u so she makes up c**p

    now you have got that stuff off ur chest, she may not wanna be friends with you anymore...

    i think u can make better friends then with bullshit ppl!

  2. Taking  a whole day to do Hair Extensions is what is bullshit! Did you even think that different methods take different lengths of time to apply.?  

    I am a professional Hair Extension artist and i do the Wax fusion and the micro bead (aka- links,locs) method.. both of these methods don't take a whole day. the wax fusion takes just around two hours and the micro bead a little longer because its a little more tricky.So she is the one who is correct.

    By saying the reason she only takes 2hours is because shes doing a bad job is incorrect! who are you to judge if shes bad or not. Have you actually seen her apply them to make that judgement? If she has clients coming to her shouldnt that prove shes doing a good job. The price varys with hair extensions some people charge $1200 so her actually charging $500 even $800 is an excellent price and having 5 clients a day is most def possible, if she can handle having that many some days well good on her for having the patience.

    Also you don't need a license to start a business, an Abn and registration is what you need to start a business and a certificate to show your qualified to apply the extensions.

    When she talked about her profits was it because you asked her? because i reckon the only reason she would have told you was because you were supposed to be her friend. right?

    Her being 18 should have nothing to do with how much she gets for doing hair extensions, if shes good she deserves to get that sort of money. Everything adds up so not all of that would be profit, starting a business costs money dont forget!

    I can't believe you would think your 'friend' would only tell you about whats happening with her life (business)  to make you feel as though you haven't made it like she has.

    It probably doesnt even cross her mind! you would have to be very insecure in yourself to think a friend would do that.

    And to come to a conclusion that shes a bullshitter and a liar when you don't even know the facts about the Hair Extension business is really low.

    I think the only person who should be dissapointed is your friend Stella for thinking that you were a friend she could trust. You should be happy and supportive for what shes doing, or maybe the reason you've throwed these accusations at her is because your overly jealous and spiteful of her.

    Please ask yourself, Are you truly living your life honestly and in truth to yourself? If you were you wouldnt have to feel the need to think and accuse your friend of the things you have.

  3. yeah it does sound like you've lost the plot katya. from reading your other questions etc you seem to have your own issues to deal with so why make extra drama with your so called 'best friend'.

    Honestly you do sound like your jealous of what your friend is doing..why would you even think to research and calculate her!? Has she ever done anything wrong by you for you to post all this **** about her and accuse her of being a total bullshit liar?

    And also why do it through email?

    Its so easy to get advice and support over the net from randoms but Geez she was a 'friend' in flesh.

    i'd like to hear how she felt about ur attack and accusations.

    Being 18 in this industry 'Hair Extensions' doesn't affect how much clients want to pay . if she was doing a bad job then she would have no clients at all.

    Good on her for starting up her own business and if she wasn't earning money how could she support the business at all?

    katya i'm not attacking you but i think you have shafted your friend.

    Maybe you should think about the real reasons why you thought so much about this and accused her so brutally.

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