
Have I picked good subjects for AS level?

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For A-levels i've decided to go for Textiles, Business studies, English language and Sociology.

I wanted to take Biology but unfortunately the school is not allowing me to do so. So, hopefully, next year if I can handle the work load, i'll do my Biology AS level alongside my 3 chosen A2 subjects. Evening classes after school. Do you think this is a good idea? I generally have a passion for biology and I would like to gain further knowledge on it... I feel that this would be a good thing to do.

I wasn't too keen on taking business studies at first, but I was persuaded as it will be beneficial for me in the future.... What do you think of the subjects i've chosen?





  1. It doesn't matter what other people think of your subjects you've taken. As long as your happy with your choices, then they are good subjects to take. If your unkeen on one of them, it meens you must study harder and do as much research as possible. Whilst leaving your strongest subject until last for your studying.

    So just ask yourself, are you happy with your choices?

    And if the answer is yes..

    Then you have taken the best ones

    Good luck in the exam

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