
Have I reached the deadline yet?

by  |  earlier

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I received a letter from the collection agency on July 28 saying that I have a 192.00 bill for a past due medical bill. They say I have 30 days to pay it or contact their office to discuss my options. I am going to pay it next week so have I reached the deadline? I sure as h**l do not want to go to court for it.




  1. 30 days from July 28th would be either August 27th or August 28th.  So if you pay it prior to 8/27, you should be okay.

  2. normally when you get a letter that that stateing that you have a past due balance, and you have to pay by a certain date, or contact the office for more options- that means they will work with you and set up a payment plan if you are not able to pay in full.

  3. Are we 30 days from July 28th?

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