
Have I ruined this friendship??

by Guest34307  |  earlier

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I have a best friend called Kaylee and she has a boyfriend called Harry. Harry e-mailed me to ask me if I thought Kaylee loved someone else. I said yes. Then Kaylee asked me if Harry thought that she loved someone else and I said No. Then Kay went through my e-mails and........ now i am scared she hates me for lying to her. What do I do? Can I please have serious answers only and if u don't understand the situation then dont worry answering!

Thank U!




  1. Well first of all, were you lying to Harry about Kaylee loving someone else? If it's true that she does love someone else, then you did the right thing by answering Harry truthfully & honestly. It would be unfair to Harry if you lied to him, he deserves to know the truth! All you can really do is talk to Kaylee one more time and open her eyes to her deceitful ways. You should also apologize for lying to her when she asked you what you told Harry. If she still refuses to forgive you, then she's just being selfish. You don't want a best friend who would put you in his awkward situation. Kaylee brought this upon herself for playing with Harry's heart. Just know that, you did the right thing & don't sweat it. You're a good friend.

  2. Yeah, I definitely think that you screwed up. Why would you lie directly to your Friend. Even if she hadn't by chanced flipped through your emails, she is in a relationship and it seems that your almost trying to sabotage that. I'm not sure if what you said to Harry was true or not about her liking someone else. However, as a Friend, you are supposed to be honest with a person and not lie or be deceiving. I believe that you really should apologize and be sincere about it. If she accepts it, that's up to her.

  3. Kaylee will forgive you - after all, she is your BFF! She doesn't hate you, I know that for a fact. She shouldn't have gone thought your emails, that was invading your privacy! But, you shouldn't have lied to Harry, and then twisted the story to make it sound like you were on Kaylee's side not Harry's! But, what is bothering me is why Harry even asked you, Kaylee's BFF, if Kaylee loved someone else. Kaylee must have been doing something with another boy to make Harry feel that way, which she shouldn't have. All I am saying is, Kaylee loves you, no matter what you do, and that, my friend, is the utter truth.

    Good luck!

  4. she is going to hate you forever, dont ever trust her, she is going to try to get even.

  5. mmm..look i dnt know y lied u just hve lied but u should try talking 2 her dnt lose ur bst friend it is so bad!

  6. Well Just Regain her trust and she will believe you. I have been through it all!

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