
Have IAF F-16i fighter jets been given the amber light to attack Iran?

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"President George W Bush has told the Israeli government that he may be prepared to approve a future military strike on Iranian nuclear facilities if negotiations with Tehran break down, according to a senior Pentagon official. .."

Is there any other way to arrest the Iranian regime's proliferation non-compliance and its aggressive, unilateral belligerence against Israel and the West?

We don't think so.

President Armageddonijad of Iran will get what he and his regime so deservedly need - Allah will make an adjustment for the wayward Iranian state.




  1. Israel may bite more than it can chew one day and I'd be sorry to see them go> I cannot see why some people are clamouring for a war with Iran when its clear that the other nuclear powers have said they will take sides on this one. So it will be goodbye world in a while.

  2. Yes, sort of.

    Amber means neither attack nor retreat. It implies readiness for either.  IDF planes were spotted landing on U.S. military installations in Iraq.  Both the U.S. and Israel are tightening the screws on Iran while Def. Minister Barak is in the U.S. lobbying for an attack on Iran's nuclear installations.

    All we have so far is a Psy Op that implies imminent attack.  Iran can call the bluff and prepare for attack, it can terminate enriching operations or it can attack first, which would be more favorable to the USA and Israel.  

    Basically, what we're witnessing a game of chicken where no one is backing down.  That's all we really know.

  3. Lets hope so.

    To h**l with Iran.

  4. This is why the world hates the USA.

    It's the only country that has ever used nuclear weapons against civilians yet it pretends to be so moral.

  5. Iran does NOT have a chance because hopefully Israel will destroy their sanctions first. I have been saying way before that Iran is the culprit to all terrorism. The only way to deal with Iran is to do what it takes to rid their sanctions, they need to be dealt with. Iran is a threat not only to Israel but to the U.S as well.

  6. Long overdue.  

    When the Arabs were in power, we had the 'Dark Ages'.  They are once again proving there has been no change in their goals.   Why do the people elect (tolerate) these crazed power mad  maniacs?  Or did he CHANGE once he got in power?

  7. i say wipe the iranians off the face of the earth,they have been given numerous chances to conform to the nuclear watchdogs,LONG LIVE AMERICA.

  8. My sources in Washington and Military Intelligence have told me that Iran will be fully operational in their nuclear weapons development program within the next 12 months. They just successfully test fired three MORE medium range missles capable of reaching any country within the Middle East including Israel. They have already pledged to "wipe the Jewish nation off the face of the map". Sounds like another Holocaust awaiting the Jews if you ask me. There is also the very real possibility of Israel making the first strike, which would be immediately followed up with an American military strike. I do believe that the military in Israel is planning and training for a first strike against Iran because they know tensions are escalating.

    Offensive tactives and strategies are being planned for a first strike on Iranian nuclear enrichments facilities, military bases and military communication sites. The US military may (or may not) enter a ground war with Iran. If you hated what's happening in Iraq, you are REALLLLLY gonna hate what is about to happen in Iran. If Iran strikes Israel it won't matter WHO is the President of the US (McCain or Obama)...there WILL be a military strike against Iran.

    Iran is one of the "Heads of the Snake" which needs to be destroyed. Saudi Arabia is another, but we will probably never strike Saudi Arabia because we need their oil to survive. I am not Jewish but nothing would please me more than to see Tehran nuked FLAT until it glows red and paved over with 12 inches of concrete.

  9. I wonder if you Americans have forgotten about the fighter jets you sold to the Persians...

  10. Those are merely political puffing: both Iran and U.S.

    The final result would hopefully be a further tighten sanction on Iran.

    It seems it is France to lead the negotiation with Iran. U.S. and Israel just created some smoke to force Iran back to negotiation with France.

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