
Have Mick and Leigh been there too long?

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The Hot Pies are crumbling, and the Lions have become kittens - on and off that is, the players do have enough pride to band together and win an odd one for the fans, and get the coach off the hook. But prolonged inexplicable poor performances must be lain at the door of the coach. Like Sheedy, does it take the surgeon's knife to prise them off? When will the penny drop?




  1. I think Mick is staying  because he thinks that his team have potential and talent like the WCE did when he coached them.Now after being beaten by two teams that were originally at the bottom 8 I dont have any idea what hes thinking right now.

    Leigh is just trying to make his team get back up but his boys just dont seem good enough to do that.

    Someday they will both crack and probably leave both their teams but maybe both the collingwood and brisbane boys still have something to show their coaches.The only problem is when and how are they gonna do that?

    Mick and Leigh are hanging on just to see just that.

  2. When your talent goes away, then the coach isn't very good. Lethal had players, most are old now or have retired.

    Mick wouldn't know talent if it hit him square on. Luck in 1992, 1994 got him two premierships--my Geelong boys and Malcolm forgot to show up both those days.

    Collingwood has no talent, when they did, Mick didn't know what to do with it except whine about umpires, the ground, Eddie's meddling--tada, tada, tada.

    Lethal will most likely stay. Mick shouldn't worry about a contract renewal next year. Maybe he can join Christie as a boundary rider on radio or television.

  3. You obviously don't have the feigntess idea what you are talking about.

  4. I'm begining to wonder if the one time 'hot pies' are now becoming luke warm. Malthouse lead the Pies into numerous finals but I think it's time for a change in Collingwood's coaching staff.

    Same for Leigh Matthews. He lead the Lions into 3 consectutive grand final wins but in recent times, his team has started to crumble. Maybe because some of the players are maturing but them again, the coaching efforts matter too.

    Although, if Matthews retires/gets the sack, I sure do hope that Michael Voss does NOT get the coaching job. Too soon from his own career I think...

  5. The hot pies hey, well i don't know if that's all that fair, most footy followers knew they were as they are every year, overrated, it's not them that do it, it's the same supporters, we all know at last  an easy dozen of them, that side has a lot to live to and it's the same every year.  as far as mick is concerned, i would say yes, time for a change, he has made some strange decisions like playing harry O'Brien, ok he spoils  as does n.brown but they just do not do enough with the ball coming out of defence. I'd  give Mick his marching orders.

    Barney Mathews, not so sure, his team aren't too bad, they just have a hard time traveling this year, with only 2 gabba games left, bullies and blues, they are in a bit of trouble. I would keep Mathews on for another season i think.

  6. Yes both were only the best when there players were the best and that made the best team but justbecause they were the best team dosnt mean they had the best coach.

  7. **I'm starting to wonder whether Malthouse has been at Collingwood for a bit too long.  They had the potential to be top four material this year and they just haven't delivered.  As for Matthews, he's achieved a lot more in his time at Brisbane (not necessarily this year) but his side needs to have a good look at themselves.  They should have easily won last night.**

  8. i think they should go because sheady left why shouldn't they

  9. mick: probably... its been a long time, about time for some new input

    leigh: he has been great... but maybe it is time for a change, i think if they drop him he might get picked up somewhere else though

  10. I don't know....

    I can't put my finger on what is wrong at Collingwood. We have the same list, (bar two injured players) that smashed Geelong, yet we lost both games to Carlton and the Kangas, and just let a must win match slip away from us!

    Maybe it is Mick? I just think that the Pies need to stand up and play some good footy to finish the season, we all know they can do it, and they have a good list.

    EDIT: You can't have given up on us already "given up on collingwood"?? Collingwood have always been inconsistent, let's hope they can perk up!

  11. I have always said that Mick Malthouse is not a good coach - even when he was at WCE & we won two flags. With the playing list he had at his disposal he should have won more!!

    For whatever amount of time he is at, or has been at Collingwood, is too long. He was to be the clubs Messiah when he was head-hunted from the Eagles by Steady Eddie. He can only go down in history as a flop. One can tell he is under the pump with all his whinging, whinining, umpire bashing & requests for rule changes. He is showing he cannot cope in the current situation.

    Hurry up & sack him Eddie, or pull the plug, Mick!

    I have a lot more respect for Matthews. He is trying to coach a team made up of Black, Brown & Bradshaw..........witth several ordinary team-mates to assist them. Leigh is behind the 8 ball at the moment whereas Mick has a supposed good playing list.

  12. i want bluey mckenna or bucks 2 take ova as coach,but im pretty sure malthouse has anotha yr on his contract so might hav 2 wait anohta yr

  13. It's not how old they are, it's being too long in the same job, and in both cases, they have been senior coaches, next only to God, for fifteen years plus.

    Sheedy, for all his faults, got in and down with his players and his mindset was flexible. Matthews is still in the early 80s when he was the assassin for the dirtiest team ever playing.Malthouse gets bored with any expression of loyalty, he betrays all his clubs inside eight years.

    Yes, get rid of them, and appoint McKenna to the Pies, and anyone who will take on the Liars, with their Holy Trinity(3B's) and rabble otherwise.

  14. gfcbarracker, Im extremely disappointed with your views - sounds very bitter and absolutely incorrect :((

    Unlike all you lame, 'jump on the wagon' so called AFL supporters, we TRUE Collingwood supporters will always have faith in our coach and players.

    How quickly you all are to blame the coach when things go bad.  How about some belief and support for your team/coach/players...shame on you..pffft

  15. Tricky Micky the Pricky needs da flicky ... he has no new ideas.  His strategy with the Pies is very familiar (clog the middle and spread).  It's what the Weagles did for years but the weagles had a very, very fast team at their peak and an exceptional half back line teamed with some great small forwards.  The tactic may work OK against a team that relies too much on the corridor but it won't work against flank running teams.  

    I've noticed the Cats have started putting variety into their path to goal by putting Milburn and Mackie wider - I reckon Bomber has seen this weakness in his plan after the thumping earlier this year.  Rather than coming up with new ideas like that  Mick has been making excuse after excuse.  That's what arrogant people do.

    Now Leigh's also an arrogant piece of shite and I can't stand him BUT he has lost a lot of his good players.  The big question is "why?".  I would have thought everyone would want to play in Brissie in preference to the cold Tuesday trainings in Melbourne ... think this problem comes back to Leigh's an arrogant piece of shite!!! :-)))

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