
Have Rev. Wright's comments taught you to hate America?

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We've all heard the comments by now. Has hearing them influenced you against America and whites?

What is the problem? Isn't this a free country? The man is entitled to his own opinion. The congregation doesn't have to agree with everything the pastor says.

Rev.Wright is a well known and international scholar. His congregation consists of affluent, well educated Blacks, like Obama, and whites too. These people are not fools. They know how to eat chicken and throw out the bones.

Stop being so scared and narrow minded.




  1. He is a racist moron who should be swinging from a tree (or cleaning my bathroom).

  2. I think of this situation in a number of parts,

    America is like being married. there are some things that really get on your nerves, but are you willing to file for divorce over them?

    As a Minority, I see things that I guess the majority doesn't see or can't understand due to the position they are in (majority rule)

    I also think that with the majority, if something is done, and the minority speaks out on it. there is a strong backlash and we are accused of "not wanting to go with the program".

    the facts are:

    America has made policy that adversely effects minorities, and since it doesn't effect the majority, they are fine with it.

    (the whole civil rights issue, or have we forgot that it was less then 40 years ago that blacks couldn't do a lot of what the majority could)

    But there are still issues, and if they are bought to light, the majority seems to have a "shut up and stop complaining" attitude.

    I would like to

    Be able to drive, and not get stopped by the police because I drive a SUV, and they think that i am carrying drugs.

    Not be called an African American, but be called an American like the Majority. (never been to Africa)

    Not have to watch TV shows that depict the Majority as the major force in any and everything good that happens in the world.

    I don't know what will happen after the elections, i am assuming that Gas prices will continue to raise, people will still be losing their homes. troops will still be dying in Iraq, Jobs will still be lost.  And in this all, it is a majority rule, so who is at fault?

  3. Rev. Wright was letting his emotions run wild like a lot of people that speak before they think.

    Unfortunately, it is costing us big dollars in the way of our economy people spoke before they thought.

    Obama on the other hand should have not tried to protect himself from the criticism because the people wanted it.

    If you never learn anything else in your lifetime "don't try to prove nothing to the people" because you only dig yourself in deeper, and most people are going to believe what they want to believe anyway. So with that person you really won't accomplish much and you'll be forever trying to prove yourself to them.

  4. I agree. No American hates America (at least I dont think). A lot of people think what he thinks and therefore if the big wigs dont want people to think that they should say why. For example that whole thing with Iraq. It was so funny when he said if we dont find weapons of mass destruction we will do like the LAPD and plant weapons of mass destruction. LOL. Classic. This guy is funny, but I already have my own view of America.

  5. people are just reactionists is what i think. I agree with a lot of what he said. things are much better since the civil right movement but they can be much better.

    just a while back i was walking down Madison avenue and i was crossing the street and and i almos bumped into old white lady so i told her sorry. and i heard her tell her friend "the N_____ almost touched me". i was in shock, i couldn't react so i stood there stuck on stupid and when i recovered she was gone.

    majority of people need the media to tell them what to think and how to do it because of their 2 brain cells, one is always giving CPR to the other.

    why would his comments make me hate America?

    freedom of speech my as.

    like obama said he goes to church to get spiritual advise not political advise(like the many whites in his church)

    It's so crazy how people went mad hard over this.

    In a poll i saw on yahoo a couple of months ago, some over  30ish % of whites said their feelings on blacks were disfavorable. less than 10% of blacks said their feelings on white are disfavorable. and blacks are the ones with the issues?? im like dude how can we  "get over it" when even you (ppl in the poll) cannot?

    great question by the way. there have a star.

    i still see whites like how i saw them before,

    citizens of planet earth, very much like myself.

  6. It's taught me, that like I thought already, blacks hate white people.

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