
Have Scientist Now Determined That The Sun, Not Man is Responsible For Global Warming?

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According to recent news reports, a top observatory that has been measuring sun spot activity predicts that global temperatures will drop by two degrees over the next 20 years as solar activity slows and the planet drastically cools down. They suggest this could potentially herald the onset of a new ice age. Following the end of the sun’s most active period in over 11,000 years, the last 10 years have displayed a clear cooling trend as temperatures post-1998 leveled out and are now decreasing.

This prediction coupled with centuries old record cold temperatures around the globe being shattered, signaling that "Global Warming" is over?




  1. yes, but why listen to them over Uncle Al?

  2. No.

    As usual, Dr. Jello wiggles his way out of citing any real science -- because there isn't any. After following your link, which contains ZERO sources or citations, I did a web search on the gist of the piece and found that dozens of rightwing deniers are now citing as gospel this "source":

    Yes, that's right. A LETTER TO THE EDITOR of a Belfast newspaper, by one David Watt -- who, by using the phrase "Our own observatory at Armagh" makes it seem as though Watt is an astronomer there.

    Problem 1: David Watt is not, and has never been, a researcher at Armagh Observatory. You can check that out here:

    Problem 2: Nobody at Armagh Observatory has made the claim that Watt ascribes to them. It's not in any of their press releases, not in their FAQ, and indeed not on their website at all.

    Only the gullible, like Mr. Jello, the five previous responders to this question, and several dozen denier websites, have been fooled. Real scientists want real science.

  3. I don't think that scientists have shown that climate change is a result of anything but the sun, volcanic activity, and Milankovitch Cycles.  A very active solar cycle is well established, yet completely ignored by the IPCC.  For some reason "evil humans" and "evil technology" must be blamed for everything.  

  4. 11000 years of sunspot history?   Where'd you get that from?    You don't even trust 11,000 year old ice core samples.

  5. pretty much, if any hysterical greeny is inclined to listen.

    that doesn't mean humans should just trash the planet, but it does mean that the US economy doesn't have to be destroyed to accommodate Al Gore & Co.

  6. If you want to use science to support your claims, why are you citing a blatantly political source?  The article doesn't even claim to have any reliable research behind it, and instead tries to fool the gullible with vague and unsubstantiated claims of "credible members of the scientific community".  The Denver weather report is even less compelling, and in fact is downright laughable.  Would you be swayed if someone posted a link to a report of a record high temperature in Dallas?  Of course not, so why do you think anyone would be swayed by a record low?  The only meaningful way to evaluate the data is to look at global averages over long periods of time.  Individual anecdotes mean nothing.

    You aren't going to make any converts with this kind of drivel.  All of the people who said "yes" were already on your side and they would have said the same thing if you had posted a link to an article claiming that little green men from Betelgeuse had said there's no such thing as global warming.

  7. Solar physicists have realized this for years, but have been shut out by both the alarmists and the media.  It's upsetting, because who would want to live under Al Gore's idea of a  socialist system and his new world order?  I prefer democracy.

  8. Inter-glacial periods tend to last 10-15 thousand years, we are 12,000 into the current one, so it would make sense that we are nearing its end.

    And shameless Al Gore will blame us for this too and offer some other bogus scheme to line his pockets.

    When nothing comes of the current AGW hysteria hopefully we'll lynch a few of its more fanatic proponents just to deter future fear mongers.

  9. Thank you! I was getting tired of hearing about how mankind should stop their lives and ride bicycles and walk to work. I think this hysteria has been overused for long enough and this may put an end to the politicians using the global warming card but the believers will still believe it.

  10. Probably won't make a dent in the whole global warming hysteria, great links.  The political climate and chance to profit are far too high.

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