
Have Some Of Your Acts Of Kindness Caused Misunderstandings & Mistrust..?? ?

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Have Some Of Your Acts Of Kindness Caused Misunderstandings & Mistrust..?? ?




  1. yes it has happened to me quite a few times. some people don't believe a person can change and try to make a better life.

  2. Yup! I was acting kind to this guy and then we kind of hung out so anyways these girls thought I was going out with him and thought that I liked him and they told him..and he thought I liked him. But really, I never did like him. o.0"

  3. There is much fake kindness around.  So, genuine kindness causes mistrust....

  4. Yes they have but in due course everything comes into the open and people realize what my true intentions were.

  5. Kindness is at it's best when given to those who are ready to accept. Even though kindness don't ask for a return, it never want to be insulted either. I choose the right moment to give, not being insincere but making sure both parties benefit from it. After all, kindness just want to make  things better.

  6. Yes!     it's funny at times but also very annoying.

  7. ha. i know exactly what you mean. happens way too often. just keep on moving.

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