
Have Terrorists Succeeded in Destroying our Laws/Values Like a 'Habeas 'Stinking' Corpus"?

by Guest56364  |  earlier

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Have Terrorists Succeeded in Destroying our Laws/Values Like a 'Habeas 'Stinking' Corpus"?




  1. If by terrorist you mean those dweebs in the White House, than yes they have certainly tried.

  2. No, republicans have willingly dropped their freedoms at the feet of the government they are famous for not trusting.  It's idiocy.

  3. No, our politicians have done this for us.

    They use the threat of terrorism to destroy our civil rights, and create a police state.  Why do they do this?  Because they are criminals.  They violate their oath to support and defend the Constitution.  They have contempt for the American people.

    We can change all that.  We can vote these criminals out of office, and replace them with Americans who will take their oath to the Constitution seriously.  The question is, how long will the American people put up with this abuse from our public servants?  How much is enough?

  4. No, it was actually Bush who destroyed Habeus Corpus, a centuries-old legal principle which is the legal foundation of many of the most successful democracies in history, including our own.

    By inventing the term "enemy combatant", he tried the smokescreen of "they're not POWs, they're not criminals", so they're not entitled to any rights whatsoever.

    Then he tried the smokescreen that since they're not being held on US soil, our laws don't apply.

    Thankfully, checks and balances worked and the SCOTUS slapped him back to reality, three times!

  5. I would say that terrorists have succeeded in making war-mongering, jingoistic cliche-ranting Republicans their cute litte sock puppets.

  6. Yes. The terrorists have won. They have enabled this fascist regime to destroy our so-called "values" by cowering beneath the constant "fear" which this criminal administration hammers into the collective consciousness of the mindless drones every moment of every day.

    Read over some of the posts on the Yahoo Answers board over the past few days since the third branch of government - created and founded by the creators of this country, set into motion over 200 years ago - made a ruling.

    You will read the most violent, barbaric, heinous cries for murder, mayhem, and vigilante justice which a civilized American would not have though possible.


    The terrorists have succeeded in turning so-called "civilized Americans" into bloodthirsty neanderthals no different from the so-called "terrorists" they are screaming bloody murder for.

  7. If in "Terrorists" you mean US Government Officials than YES.

    No one really bought the whole "They hate us for our freedom" spill,  did they?  

    There are no Terrorists outside of our own Government.  Sure the Al CIA-da might have had something to do with the attacks, but only with the aid of the US Government.

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