
Have UFOs disabled U.S. defense systems?

by Guest66897  |  earlier

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  1. Area 51 is one of many DUMBs (deep underground military bases) connected by high speed underground trains. It is where the antichrist's army and monstrosities are being built for his soon to rise 4th Reich known as THE NEW WORLD ORDER. The final brutal empire seen by the prophet Daniel and John the Revelator.

    All craft are of human origin... just New World Order vehicles. Their technology will appear centuries ahead of the civilian population from whom they have suppressed it. As for what people are calling "aliens", think more like extradimensional beings or what some might call "The Fallen":

    If you just HAVE to believe in ETs, they have something special for you very soon. Google/youtube: "Project Bluebeam"

    'Aliens' just in time for 2012! Many will be fooled...

    Later, ask yourself how we knew all this in advance:

    2 Thessaloinians 2:10-13

  2. it could be possible  

  3. yes they have allot of times only in self defense from our black ops military organizations and theres a wealth of proof on it heres a site/project that is trying to make public disclosure of the UFO et subject they have 450 extremely high ranking officials from CIA directors to astronauts to military men in charge of nuclear weapons very credible people  

  4. It is possible although just because it is a UFO doesn't mean it is necessarily extraterrestrial. UFO simply means Unidentified Flying Object. That means anything in the sky that you don't recognize to you is indeed a UFO. Now it may be another country or some crazy person flying around in a next gen aircraft trying to scare folks while one of their buddies tries to hack into the system and freak people out. Probably some nut jobs wanting people to believe in aliens.

  5. There is the mentality of - Of course UFOs cannot be real - after all, if they were, governments would tell us about them.

    Frankly no - governments are there for their own selfish interests, and only if they could benefit from something, will they ever do it, and not for the sake of mankind, etc etc.

    Watch the 1987 documentaries "The Secret Government"  Constitution in Crisis - hosted by Bill Moyers and "The Secret Heartbeat of America - The Mena Story" which show how corrupt it is. This was present - going all the way back to Pearl Harbour, and even up to today - our recent times with 9-11 {Bin Laden could not have planned and executed all that attributed to him, surrounding 9-11.  Why did the US Military not do a darn thing on that day?  3 Planes hit their targets - and the military did not stop them?  What is NORAD for?  You can't simply turn off transponders - and then suddenly, the aircraft becomes invisible.  Otherwise the US military would not have spent billions developing stealth aircraft - and the radar system called NORAD. [Who makes the claim, that they can spot light aircraft bringing drugs into the US].

    Anyway you can't get the truth from the US government.  You have to go to a third party impartial source, for such information. eg.

    (also [English Discussion Board])

    Who not only gives information about things that go on in this world - now, and past - and even ancient ancient past --- but also some things about our future too.

    I have researched the above for the past 5 years, and it is all very interesting indeed.

    UFOs go way way back. They are even in the Bible - reread the Book of Ezekiel.  Oh, Jesus (ie. Jmmanuel) father was an ET..

  6. No, but UFO's have disabled human brain chemistry in certain individuals.

  7. Highly doubt it, for an UFO to get to earth it would require a lot of power ... ugh dont even get me started, the idea of ufos visiting us just to mow our lawns and what not is a waste of time.

  8. ya

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