
Have You Ever Done this...?

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Have you ever gotten into a physical fight in high school?




  1. no.

  2. haha nope

  3. no

  4. Nope.

  5. nope

  6. Nope.

    But I do know people who have.  

  7. I was in alot of fights in middle school.

    not suspended amazing.

  8. nope

    I know it will just lead to even worse things like getting expelled, and that stuff stays on ur record

  9. not in high school, but middle school.

  10. not in highschool yet

    but i almost did last year..

    my boyfriend broke it up though

    and im glad he did cause that girl woulda murdered me lmfao

    but basicly every guy i know has been in ATLEAST two.  

  11. yes i have

    the guy was a real jerk

    so i made sure i was in peak physical condition before picking a fight though

  12. no im not in high schol tho!

  13. no, but id like to punch some of the really stupid girls who think they r really pretty when there not. it might knock some sense into them

  14. yes, lmao

  15. I'm not in high school yet

    but no i haven't been a physical fight before

    the most that happened

    was i pushed down a bully

    and she didn't me wit me again lol

  16. nope im a goody too show

  17. I did with a girl who slapped me across the face, i punched her n we both got suspended.. I wouldn't recommend going round starting fights but if someone hurts u i wouldn't let them get away with it..  

  18. No, I'm too shy for that.

  19. no, though a lot ran theyr mouths they didnt want to step up to me. i am quiet but do kno how to handle mine.

  20. no :)

  21. Not in highschool I'm in homeschool.

  22. Yeah...that b*tch had what was coming to her. I won. I may have gotten detention, but she never bothered me again.


  23. No, never have.

  24. I have in middle school.

    With my bestfriend.

    I suggest you dont do it.

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