
Have You Ever Seen A Flying Saucer? *10 Points*

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Until recently, I had never believed in aliens and flying saucers, but last Friday I saw a metalic disk moving slowly four miles off the coast of Norfolk, England. It was about 100 feet wide and was producing steam. I had a visual on it for about 40 seconds before it vanished! I'm not sure what it was. Probably it was an aircraft, but it was just hovering and rotating slowly and didn't look like a plane.

Please share your stiories.

My favourite will get 10 points!




  1. no  wish i could  

  2. I personally have never seen one, but I have good, long time, trusted friends who say they have and that's good enough for me!  Too many people all  over the world from all walks of life have seen them for me to doubt they exist.  Who knows, maybe they only show themselves to the intelligent people which is why most Americans dont believe in them!!  LOL Just kidding...

    Here are the 2 accounts from my freinds:

    1)  While sleeping at nite as a young child, he was awoken by a glow and wind like noise.  He looked out and saw greys in the yard and a small ship next to them.  He awoke his sister and she saw them too.

    2)  While driving home late one nite here in SW Missouri, my cousin saw a large, oval ship with what he describes as "blinding" bright lights.  He stopped and it hovered a while making no noise at all.  Then it ascended at a fast pace and was gone.....all without any noise.  If you look at Jim Marrs book Alien Agenda, you will find mention of crop circles being formed near Osceoa, Missouri which isnt far from where my cousing saw this UFO in the early-mid 80s. Proof enough for me!!

  3. When I was 8, and living in Scotland, (1978) I saw one hovering over the Wallace Monument in Stirling. It stayed motionless in the sky then shot off across the sky in less than 2 seconds. Whatever it was, it wasnt made by human hands.

  4. yes i have i was 11 at the time im 14 now and still remember it. i was out side with my bff emily it was about 10:00pm and we wher looking thro my new tellascop wen we saw a big flash we stoped looking thro it and just looked up and ther was this big thing ther it had a lot of lights and was flashing blue lights at us we wher so scard it did not mack eny noys at all it just sat ther and flashed then it spun and in like 2 seconds it was gon it just spun rell fast then it disaperd it was relly scary i like your story and i beleave you ..  :) i hope you can right back to me i would like to know if you beleav me if you do you would be the first to do my mom thought i was crazzy she got me conciling weird did you ever hear of indigo kids i am one. maybe it is normal for me to see them oh sorry i forgot i still see them all the time lol

    sorry about my spellin i am so bad at it lol

  5. Alright, I work at a camp that I've been going to since I was 2 years old, and have worked there 3 summers now.  Well the first summer I worked there, a bunch of the staff after training were sitting on the lakeshore looking at the lake and at the stars, when someone noticed this shiny spot, a bit brighter than the stars surrounding it moving very weirdly.  It didn't go straight or make any sensical movements, it would kind of shift and dart from spot to spot!  We knew it couldn't be a plane, any aircraft, or even a satellite, or a star or anything, the way it moved was soo creepy!  We sat staring at it for a good 5 minutes and then when we all left because we decided to head to bed, none of us felt comfortable, we were all creeped out!  No one would stay down on the lakeshore by themselves... We even tried to put in a report on the night to a UFO agency or something...

  6. Yeah I saw it on you tube. I think it was in china

  7. no, i would like to  

  8. Sure, I came from one. I'm An alien from the Seriiel Star system 100 million light years from here. This planet is a prison farm for lightweights. We can leave when we can build and fly our own ship that can travel the speed of light or faster. And someone has as an experiment. They built a ship like a saucer about oh some twenty feet across. Four people sat in it. It was powered by sound waves from 4 speakers facing towards the middle of the ship. They turned it on and it took off some twenty miles away and back again in 15 seconds. When they were out there they saw a state patrol and he saw them. It didn't hurt them to go that fast which was equivilent to 5x the speed of light.

  9. I think. me and my friend were in the backyard late at night and some weird light came from above in the air. it looked like a dish in the air and then it went away from our view real fast.

  10. google: Dulce, NM

    some weird stuff about UFOs and Aliens for those of you who are interested in stuff like this.  or Area 51.

  11. before i thought i did but i just think i was sleepy

  12. only time for me was when my old lady went nuts in the kitchen ...i saw more than flying saucers though!!!!!!!!

  13. Suure! One landed in front of me once in a field, and out came Elvis Presley, Col. Sanders ['Kentucky Fried Chicken"] with a bucket full of fried chickens, Ronald McDonald with a tray carrying Big Macs, french fries and coke, and Osama bin Laden. Suure!

  14. This one time at band camp, this girl Lizzie got so mad at Stefan that she threw a saucer at his head. It went "flying" across the room.  That was the first time I saw a flying saucer.

    (It's semi true. It was a plastic plate)

  15. One night, just over twenty years ago, I was driving on a rural road west of town that runs parallel to a reservoir. When I came to a stop at a stop sign, I looked out the driver's side window and there, hovering only a few feet above the car, was an " object " of unknown origin or identification. It had dancing, white lights all over it and never made a sound. I remember gasping and looking away briefly, but when I looked back out the window it was gone. Not a trace of it anywhere in sight. So, you tell me, what was it...?

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