
Have You Ever Wondered How Many People On Y/A Are In America??

by  |  earlier

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If there from another country ...would that make you feel some way if you thought they were the Dem's saying something bad about the re-pub....when truthfully we stand for unity...or a re pub saying something about a dem....

Hey 8 more years of the same you can stand by your self..

But the question is have you every wondered...??




  1. yes i have often wondered about this my self, i think that there a some who ask question controversial questions just to irk us when they have no say in our election, but there is not much that we could do about them,  just stick with your choices and don't let a smooth talker talk you out of your choice

  2. Yes...

  3. No...I never wasted that much time giving it a thought.  

  4. Most. If you're an American, they're easy to spot.

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