
Have You ever found something You were not even looking for?

by  |  earlier

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Something You did not realize was missing until You found it?




  1. Yes! As a matter of fact, I did find someone who is, the cats meow!!   Bet you couldn't guess!!!

  2. Yes i have...

    it was a book i bought it for 2 years....

  3. Yeah, when i decide to organize my room!

  4. that happens to me all the time.  

  5. yea, and then when i'm looking for something that i know is missing, i never find it! it's a strange, strange world!

  6. definitely like my AR for my DS

  7. this question

  8. All the time.

  9. I have, yes, and it is always a pleasant experience

  10. yes

  11. yes my phone  

  12. yes. or i'll stop looking for something for ages and then it pops up out of nowhere. or, i meet a really nice guy and i wasn't even looking for anyone.

  13. Yes, I do it all the time.....

    ...... and then I never find the thing I WAS looking for. But later on, when I'm looking for something else, the previous lost item turns up! Kind of a chain, you know? (;

  14. trouble

  15. haha yes!

  16. not really still looking for him...the dumb jerk.....LOL

  17. Yes. My wife. I didn't even know I was looking for her until I found her.

  18. Yep! I wondered where that shirt was!

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