
Have a chipped or broke my ancle?

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HAd a motorbike crash today got hit on the right hand side by a transit van.

my ancle is quite badly cut and swolen And very very very painful to walk on however if its not broke or seriously damaged i would prefer to avoid the ques of A&E!

THe pain is mainly in my ancle and foot but occasinaly if i put a bit of weight on it- it shoots up my leg - however although Agaonizing i can walk on it and can move it a bit?

Anyone think its just a sprain!!!!!!




  1. Definitely the ER or doctor, only the x-ray can tell you for sure.  Until you get there, elevate higher then your heart and put down a towel first, then ice for 20 minutes at a time.  But seriously get medical attention.  

  2. sound like you may have a fracture. could be hair line (yes that is a break). take care of the swelling with ice, stay off your foot. get crutches to help you get around.

    Dress the wound, keep it up as much as you can.

    If it is a hail line fracture it will heal in time as with a major break. you will need to baby yourself for a few weeks (four to six). you will need a tenser bandage for some support. lots of rest, vitamins to help heal and stay off it.

    If the break is compound you would be off your rocker by now. under no circumstances put any weight on it for four weeks. and clean and chang dressing often. Aloe will help heal the open wound, so clean it well and do that every day. washing with a bit if salted water will help. Put the pure Aloe on after then the dressing. you can use the plane if you have one. you would then cut open the leaf and rub the gel on the wound (lightly), then dress it. should do the trick if you take care of your self. this is basic common sense. go on line for more advice under first aid. remember to keep your foot elevated and take care of the swelling or it will hurt a lot more.

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